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  1. D

    Is this a V1 or V2?

    V2's have shops, V1's don't, I believe.
  2. D

    Battery Tricks

    Online, I got a ten pack of Tamagotchi batteries for $4.
  3. D

    Are the v4.5 characters ugly for you? VOTE!

    I don't believe there is a ura debatchi.
  4. D

    Are the v4.5 characters ugly for you? VOTE!

    The female Ura characters are cute, as well as all the Universals, but that's where it ends.
  5. D

    How many versions?

    I really hope they'll remake V1 and V2! A new Angelgotchi would be so adorable, as well. Come on, Bandai! Listen to me!
  6. D

    I found my old Tamagotchi v2!

    Hurrah! :mimitchi: I thought it was lost forever. This one is the my first, and I can recall getting it in fifth grade... it was a source of great enjoyment! I'm so glad to find out! All I need to do is by some batteries at Wal-Mart and I'll soon be enjoying it!
  7. D

    You? A Music Star?!

    They don't have my favourite, Broadway (can that count as a genre?) so I'd say Jazz or Rock. Right now I'm listening to Rose's Turn from Gypsy. :mimitchi:
  8. D

    Have Bandai just gone too far?

    How do you guys like the 5.5 Celebrity?
  9. D

    You are not going to beleive this..

    Awww... It looks just adorable. Shame only Japan is getting it.
  10. D

    Socially Unexceptable?

    My parents always get a little irked whenever I buy a Tamagotchi... They think it's for little kids, but, oh well! At least I'm not buying make-up and such! I always keep my Tamagotchi's at home, and whenever I'm going somewhere else, the Tamagotchi's go to sleep. I do not want to be teased by...
  11. D

    Are you enjoying the V6?

    It's $15 here, and my allowance is rather small.
  12. D

    Tamagotchi's on airplanes.

    Thanks, you guys! I'm glad I'm allowed to bring it on the airplane, and it's good to know this - otherwise I would have left it at home and been very sad. :D
  13. D

    Are you enjoying the V6?

    Hmmm... It looks cute and enjoyable, but I'll wait a few months to see if the price goes down. :D Any one else enjoying theirs?
  14. D

    Generations or Old Age?

    I have a female and a male Tamagotchi 4.5, I'm trying to get them to be oldies, so later I can get them to mate and see which kind of child they get.
  15. D

    Are you enjoying the V6?

    Yes, it's the Music Star one.
  16. D

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    A ridiculously trashy book, in my opinion. Edward's an abusive stalker, and Bella's a moron. The books are all anti-female. In Stephenie Meyer's website, she said was not anti-female, instead, anti-human. What? "Duuuuurrrrr... this race me made up is better than humans!" LULZ And all those...
  17. D

    Which books make you cry/sad?

    Anne Frank and Me. If I have to explain, you oughta be ashamed!
  18. D

    Do find Tamas expensive?

    I think they are expensive, but that's because my allowance is awful small. However, a few months ago, I got a Tamagotchi 4.5 for $6 because it was on clearance! Granted, I don't much like the design, but it's easy to ignore.
  19. D

    Are you enjoying the V6?

    I looked at the Tamagotchi V6 at the store yesterday, and from what's on the packaging, they don't really appeal to me. However you can't judge a book by its cover - or a Tamagotchi by its packaging! And it'd be nice to know what everyone here thinks of it. Its good points, its bad points, etc.
  20. D

    Tamagotchi's on airplanes.

    If I am going on an airplane, should I take the battery of my Tamagotchi out?