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  1. F

    How old do people think you are?

    The answer differs. People usually say between 15-16, but I'm only turining 14 in July. :/ I personally think I look my age, but my mom say's that all of the eye-liner I wear makes me look older. And my 'body'. But that's awkward. Lol.
  2. F

    Popular Singers/Bands

    - Hannah Montana. I only think she is famous because of her dad. - Most of the Jonas Brothers songs. Thy have some pretty good ones out there though. - The Ting Ting's. I hate that song "That's not my name". - Madonna. I just don't like her for some reason. There's probably a lot more I...
  3. F

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10//10 That avi is effin' epic!! Lol.
  4. F

    Rate the food/drink above =D

    *i*//10 Popsicles are nummy ♥ Turkey Legs..!
  5. F

    What colour nail varnish

    Ugh. My prettyful nail polish just came off. So I had to repaint them. My toes are orange, and my nails are just black.
  6. F

    Sing It Loud..?

    Um, can I ask you why you have nothing better to do..?
  7. F

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10//10 =) Did you draw that?
  8. F

    Sing It Loud..?

    Hit the Lights. I totally forgot about them! Thanks for reminding me! But yeah, they do. I think they are so awesome ♥
  9. F

    So, What's The Worst Book You Ever Read?

    Please, people don't hate meh for this, but I am very much in love with the Twilight Saga. BUT. It has A LOT of faults in it. Twilight's Faults: - Like everyone else has said, Bella and Edward. - Bella is VERY boring. All she ever talks about is Edward being a vampire , Edward's Beauty, Edward...
  10. F

    Sing It Loud..?

    Has anyone ever heard of them? I'm so in love with them right now ♥ I'm just curious to see if anyone else likes them/ has heard of them.
  11. F

    Songs Of The Rainbow

    I love Marilyn Manson ♥ But anyways, Black and silver. I don't know why, I just do. Lol. Situations: Escape The Fate
  12. F

    What you like in girls/boys.

    - The guy has to seem at least a little attractive to me. I LOVE emo/skater guys, but I'm pretty open to anyone. - I'm not going to lie, I am NOT looking for someone who is looking for the whole 'We're going to be together forever." thing. I'm 13 gosh darnit -.- I don't wanna get married yet...
  13. F

    Confession time xD

    Hmmm.... Many confessions. Here are some of them: - This ones not really big, but I like 4 different guys right now lol. - My grandma scares me. She has multiple personalities/ accounts on Never Winter Nights and says she is 30- something. - I am addicted to PainKiller. Epicness! - I am...
  14. F

    What'd I say!

    YERSH. I've had one very similar to yours actually. I was at lunch with my friend Mariah, and she couldn't get any food because she forgot her money. So, I asked her if she wanted these two biscut things I had, and she said she didn't want to take my food. Then I said: "Eat my dang biscuts!"...
  15. F

    Okay, Hiya..!

    Hope to see everyone around too ^.^ Tama Talk= FTW so far..! ♥
  16. F

    What colour nail varnish

    I have black nail polish on meh fingers with white dots all over the place, and I have white nail polish on my toes with black dots all over the place. I look like a dalmation =D Lol.
  17. F

    Okay, Hiya..!

    Thanks for the awesome intro's guys =) I will be sure to PM eacg and everyone of you ^.^
  18. F

    Okay, Hiya..!

    `Krystal: Thank youz. We can be epic together lol. ♥ Miracle: Hiya Oscar! Nice to meet you too ^.^ RawryCakes.x: That is an awesome name :chohimetchi: !!! I'll be sure to do that ♥