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  1. X

    Word Ping-Pong

    Oh dear!
  2. X


    TamaTalk is AMAZING!!! xDD ♥
  3. X

    What's something you learned today?

    I learned about TT xDD
  4. X

    What's a random fact about you?

    Oh my goodness me too!!
  5. X

    Word Ping-Pong

  6. X

    Product Alphabet.

  7. X

    Battle of the Foods!

    Juice! Strawberry flavored juice or strawberries?
  8. X

    The Word Game

    Dreamer.x xDD
  9. X

    Boy or Girl?

  10. X


    I can only cook when I have a lot of help. If I can succeed, I find it pretty fun. xDD
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    What are you doing right now?

    Listening to music. ♫
  12. X

    Current Mood

    Happy because... well, I just am! Excited because one of my 2 best friends who lives 2.5 hours away from me is coming for a full week!! Bored because that same person is at camp right now so I can't call her... Tired because I haven't been getting enough sleep. Confused because I am thinking...
  13. X

    Licking things.

    Well.. let's see... Okay, here are some weird things I have licked. My nose. My pillow. The wall.
  14. X

    Word Ping-Pong

  15. X

    How famous are you on forums?

    10//10 I won't get a high rating. I just joined today. hahah
  16. X

    My First Log (:

    Okay, well the storms are passed and I am finished with dinner and Stella evolved! She turned into a Tamatchi! I was hoping for one of these because I always seem to get a Hitodetchi. I am also hoping to get the apple or the strawberry teenager (I forgot the names for them) because I always get...
  17. X

    My First Log (:

    Just wanted to let you know that there are some storms coming so I might not be able to tell you when Stella evolves or what she turns into. Also I will be eating dinner soon so... I will tell you eventually I promise!
  18. X

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    Once when I was kinda little I went to my grandparents house and they have a pool so we went swimming. Well, I had to have my water wings on to stay above the water. xDD Anyways, I always pushed off the steps to go out pretty far when I got in. We had finished eating and had waited a while and I...
  19. X

    Celebrity Crushes

    Taylor Lautner!! ♥