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  1. S

    What did you last download?

    I gotta feeling-BEP ^u^
  2. S

    Favorite TV series

    The Mighty B! Or Code Geass. They rockk<3
  3. S

    Rate The First Name Above

    10/10 Aadi
  4. S

    Rate the username above you!:3

    <3 10/10
  5. S

    How famous are you on forums?

    Auauauaua~ 10/10
  6. S

    How famous are you on forums?

    xD 10/10
  7. S

    Rate the username above you!:3

    Yet it is, though xD 10/10
  8. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    ^.^ 10/10
  9. S

    Rate the username above you!:3

    xD; That's odd. I only put my user-name because I was tired. XD. 10/10
  10. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    Ah. Okay. I thought he looked fimiliar. :3 10/10
  11. S

    Do you like to tell your cell no.?

    Lol. I wouldn't. Onlyy because my mom. She yells at me for everything. So yeah, The awnser is no. I'd love to call close friends though. >.>
  12. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10/10 What anime is that from?
  13. S

    How famous are you on forums?

    xD Yepps 9/10
  14. S

    How famous are you on forums?

    10/10 >w< I'm new
  15. S

    Rate the username above you!:3

    Ftw! *i*/10