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  1. S

    Best Job

    What do you think is the best job on the V4.5?
  2. S

    Best Job (V4.5)

    For the V4.5, which do you think is the best job?
  3. S

    Job Issue

    Hey thanks! I got offered more jobs and I finally got the one that I wanted.
  4. S

    Best Job V4.5

    What do you think is the best job that you can get on the V4.5?
  5. S

    Job Issue

    I have been offered jobs three or four times yesterday and none of them were what I wanted (weight lifting). I was wondering if I am going to get another offer today or is my tamagotchi not going to be able to. Thanks! PS It is a v4.5
  6. S

    UraKuchipatchi-Special Char

    I found that you need atleast 350 spiritual points and 450 skill points before evolving and before the first visit of the matchmaker. I have 350+ spiritual, does that mean I only need 100 combined from the other two skill points to have the 450 needed? Thanks!
  7. S

    Skills requred to get certain jobs

    Hmm...yeah unfortunately I have reset my tamagotchi...So I now have to wait atleast three days before I find out if I get the job. Thanks for the help though!
  8. S

    Skills requred to get certain jobs

    It is not that I got rejected, it is the fact that I was never even offered the job. Also, I have a V4.5 not V4 so the skills are Funny, Gorgeous, and Spiritual. Spiritual was my highest skill level by a large amount. I just figured that I would get offered the weight lifting job atleast once...
  9. S

    Jobs and skills

    I am trying to get the weight lifter job on my V4.5. I have done some research and found that you need a high amount of Spiritual skill to be offered the job. I had it around 150ish and I still did not get offered the job. I declined the first round of jobs and accepted the second. I reset my...
  10. S


    Actually, I only had to wait a few hours before I got offered another job. I guess it just depends?
  11. S

    skill points and stuff

    The "fist" skill point is the Spiritual skill. You can play Manhole to increase this skill by 8 points every time that you WIN.
  12. S

    Tamagotchi V5

    This question may belong in another thread, however, where can you buy V5 besides online? All I am seeing is the Music Star tamas.
  13. S

    What Tamatown is good for?

    First thing you do is click on the upper right hand icon on your Tamagotchi and then click on PC. You will get a Login Password. Go to Tamatown and enter your user name and Login and do whatever. When you are down playing games and everything on the website click logout, you will get a logout...
  14. S

    How to debug a v4.5?

    DO NOT DEBUG V4 OR HIGHER. Your tama will be stuck in hypermode and will not be able to return to normal unless you debug by erasing the led mark on the DEBUG circle.
  15. S

    Skills requred to get certain jobs

    Yeah, that is also what I found, however, I had maybe 150 spiritual points and out of the five jobs that I was offered none of them was the weight lifting job.
  16. S

    Skills requred to get certain jobs

    I was wondering what the skill requirements are that you would need to get the Weight Lifter job for the Tamagotchi V4.5 Connection. Thanks