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  1. S

    What are te names of the full Tamagotchi extension figures characters?

    I know: Memetchi Chamamatchi Violetchi Please tell me more and what they look like!! THANKS1
  2. S

    What kind of V-? is a Tama-Go?

    So I just got a Tama-Go and I am loving it. And I was just wondering what kind of V-? (You know,V-3 V-4 V-6?) is the Tama Go? And can they wear clothes they receive from friends?? THANKS!!
  3. S

    A few questions about my Tama-Go?

    So I got a Tama- Go yesterday and I would like some help... 1) What kind of dance is the Pee Pee Potty Dance? I found out you could potty train them and I wish to put a toilet but so far all I could do is clean the droppings on the floor. Please help?? 2) Why doesnt my Tama-Go Hoshitchi brush...