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  1. Kittun

    Morinaga P1 Ultra Rare?

    So I found this Morinaga P1 and I can't really find any information about it. I've only found some stuff about the white Morinaga P1, mostly from some posts made here in like 2006. I even tried doing reverse image searches with pictures of it and I haven't been able to find anything. So has...
  2. Kittun

    Ohai! :3

    Thank you for the suggestion! Its hard to pick, it seems like there's so many. :o
  3. Kittun

    Ohai! :3

    Hello everyone! I'm super excited to have found this website. I recently picked up a Tamagotchi Connection V3 from Goodwill for about $2 a week or so ago, and re-lived my childhood. Since then I've bid on a Tamagotchi Connection V4.5 and won on eBay, and ordered a Tamagotchi P in blue. :D...