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  1. Starwolfie33

    What kind of tamagocthi device would you make

    What kind of tamagotchi devices would you make? I've come up with a few after looking through tamagotchi vids as well as my own collection. Teen tamagotchi (as part of the tamagotchi friends series) - Basically a tamagotchi version based on teen titans (or teen titans go whatever). You can...
  2. Starwolfie33

    Funny story I heard about tamagotchis.

    So yesterday I was at the solon getting my hair done. I brought all five of my tamagotchis because I knew it would take a long time before I was at there. One of the tamagotchis I brought was my new 1996 tamagotchi, which I had wanted since I had started playing Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. I few hours...
  3. Starwolfie33

    Yumekira bag

    How do I get the yumekira bag on my tamagotchi digital dream town friends?
  4. Starwolfie33

    Tamagotchi friends bumping limit help

    SO for the past few days I've to find a way to set the time so I can continuously bump my tamagotchi. It's kind of like aging your tamagotchi when you change the time. I want to find the time to set it to so when I run out of bumps I can just set it back to that time and bump it again. I hope...
  5. Starwolfie33

    Questions about the P's

    So I'm getting my tamagotchi p very soon and I was wondering about a few small things. Fist off I've heard you have to bath your tama. When does it need a bath. I also heard I need to clean Its house. When and how do I do this? Another thing, what are the puzzle pieces and what are they for?
  6. Starwolfie33


    My megatchi on my tamagotchi v3 won't marry and I don't know why! I don't want him to get old!
  7. Starwolfie33

    Tamagotchi P or Tamagotchi 4U?(◎_◎;)

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!! So for Christmas I got some money to buy a tamagotchi! At first I was all like 'sweet more tamagotchis!' but then I realized I didn't know which tamagotchi I want. I'm confused over if I should get a Tamagotchi P or a Tamagotchi 4U??? Or maybe there's another one you...
  8. Starwolfie33

    Taking care of two tamas is harder than I thought

    I have two tamagotchis so far. Ones a v3 the other a friends. I'm having the hardest time taking care of both of them in have to live them on pause all the time and I feel really bad I just want to take care of them but they both drive me crazy, but every time I get mad I feel like a bad care...
  9. Starwolfie33

    Tamagotchi friends is driving me mad! Help,

    ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!! I got my tamagotchi friends just yesterday and I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO!!! It's always hungry I can seem to figure out how much it's supposed to weigh. When I try to play games with it it gets hungry again and I have to feed him causing him to gain more weight! He calls me...
  10. Starwolfie33

    Imaginary friends

    I have a fantasy prone personality trait (or disorder) anyway all that means is that I spend most of my time fantasizing and I have a lot of imaginary friends. So While I was looking through some non tamagotchi topic I saw one girl talking about imaginary friends, so I was wondering if there's...