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  1. L

    iDL Happy Symbol problem...

    Where did you get the overalls? Mines aren't even in the store for me to purchase
  2. L


    So I found a site that says what seeds produce what items and none of them gives you clothes :( and I tried doing all the seeds and it's exactly what the chart says. I got a bunch of vegetables, fruits and toys. Anyone know where to get overalls from?!? It's driving me crazy. LOL!!!
  3. L


    Ahhhhh!!! I had a feeling. Thank you so much.
  4. L


    Hi!!! I have the 15th anniversary addition and I currently have a kuromametchi. I'm having trouble looking for my 3rd happy symbol. I know he likes curry, the metal guitar, overalls and having him for 48-72 hours as an adult. I read on a few posts that you can buy overalls from tama mori, but...