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  1. T

    My Meets Journey - Comments OK!

    Past few days update! The girls have grown up so much since I last posted, I'll try to make this short because of how much has happened! They evolved into their child stage on the 11th and it was so cute! I started working on raising their happiness and meeting new characters~ I met Kikitchi...
  2. T

    My Meets Journey - Comments OK!

    11/01 update! lots of exciting things have happened today!! My Hanbunkotchi evolved into Mametchi while I was at work this morning T-T Knew I should've taken it with me XD His happiness and hunger were extremely low by the time I got home so I started fixing them up with some food and then...
  3. T

    My Meets Journey - Comments OK!

    10/01 update! Mokumokutchi turned into Hanbunkotchi today~ Before growing up, he went to the park and picked up rubbish with the Eco-usatchi Triplets who just so happen to be some of favourite Tamagotchi NPCs! I dropped Hanbunkotchi off at the Tama Hotel again he ended up hanging out with...
  4. T

    My Meets Journey - Comments OK!

    Why hello there! As you can probably tell from the title I wanted to start a log for my Tamagotchi Meets that I got today. I'm going to try and post as often as I can but sometimes work and life get in the way~ For my journey I'll be running the Fairy Blue Meets! While I have run Tamagotchis in...
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    Help my tamagotchi

    That's the teenager stage, Tamatchi ☺️
  6. T

    New Years Hatch 2023

    The end is nigh, I fear XD My little Nyorotchi has turned into Oyajitchi! Luckily this coincides with the other Tamagotchis I ordered arriving so my plan is to run my Pix or Meets (I ordered it after joining~)
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    Help my tamagotchi

    Hi there! Do you know which version Tamagotchi it's on and/or have a photo you can show of the screen?
  8. T

    New Years Hatch 2023

    Happy new year everyone! Hatched my lil' guy while I was watching some NYE fireworks, I thought I'd taken better care of them but apparently not so I ended up with a Nyorotchi. Now I await Oyajitchi 😂
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    Of course! This is my 2017 rerelease Mini, this was a pic I took this morning of my Maskutchi sleeping~
  10. T


    Thank you! I plan on going in mostly blind but it looks so fun and cute to run!
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    Thank you!! I'll most likely be running the Pix first so I'll definitely start a log for it when it arrives~
  12. T

    How many tamas do you have running or plan to run?

    Once my Pix arrives I'll be running that and my Mini! I may put the Mini aside for a bit though because of work~
  13. T

    New Years Hatch 2023

    I'd love to join! I'll most likely be running my Pink Shell Mini unless one of the models I'm waiting on arrives early~
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    Did you get any virtual pets for Christmas?

    I didn't get any for Christmas but bought myself some with the money I was given!
  15. T


    Hello everyone, I'm Ari and I adore Tamagotchis! At the moment I only have a 2017 rerelease Tamagotchi Mini however I'm waiting for a Tamagotchi Pix, Japanese M!x and Japanese iD L to arrive~ I would also love to get a On/Meets one day. I did have a Tamagotchi when I was younger, I think it was...