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  1. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    I'll keep updating throughout but it's gotten pretty quiet now that he's an adult. He pretty much takes care of himself! I wish I had another tama connection so I could marry Queso and make a baby tama (I've never done this). But I was looking at prices and they're pretty steep!
  2. msaaan

    Old timers/seniors

    Hi, I was wondering if all tamas turn into seniors/old timers? I have an adult tama Pyonchitchi connection V2 and was curiousas to if they evolve or just die of old age.
  3. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    also, I wanted to ask, once I reach this stage how long does it take to become a senior and eventually die? I've been checking online but they don't really specify if it'll turn into a senior or not.
  4. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    He turned into a Pyonchitchi!! Never had this character before, so excited to put him in little costumes and hopefully see how long he lasts!
  5. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    Honestly, anything cute! I've gotten an oniontchi, nyorotchi, and tarakotchi in the past.
  6. msaaan

    Nostalgic Ramblings : A Tamagotchi Log~ ((Comments Welcome)) *

    Hi! My tama is light blue w pastel flowers around! Thank you for the guide, I also saw your comment on my thread, thank you so much :) Looking forward to watching your progress as well!!
  7. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    Update! I have a cute young Mametchi!! btw his name is Queso 🧀 Pretty sure I made a training mistake yesterday. he beeped while his happy and hunger hearts were full, but he had pooped and was turned around mad, so I gave him praise thinking it's what he needed but I guess I was actually...
  8. msaaan


    Hi, I've had a Tamagotchi since 2004 and I sporadically use it, but it wasn't until I had the flu this year and was bed ridden that I truly got into it. I wanted to start it up again as i never got to truly master it as a child and had very little patience. Will be looking forward to sharing my...
  9. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    Hello! I recently started using my V2 again :) I got it in 2004 when I was a kid and I wanted to share my journey with my Tamagotchi. I also had a couple questions for anyone who reads this and uses the V2. How do you know how much they're supposed to weigh? How often do I need to feed my...
  10. msaaan

    Nostalgic Ramblings : A Tamagotchi Log~ ((Comments Welcome)) *

    Hi, I just started using my V2 as well and I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out how much to feed it and how often. How do you determine this for your Tamagotchi?