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  1. T

    Version 5! This is Hilarious!

    Alright, so I was wandering about Ebay looking for Digimon V-pets when I came across this: Now, I already know there is no such thing as a version 5, and V3 is a maybe, but this made me, well... you know... LMAO! People are bidding...
  2. T

    Group Hatch: Keitai or V2

    Alrighty, so i want to hatch my Keitai into a group, but since many people dont have Keitais, you can have a V2 aswell. All that matters is that you may know a little about Keitais and have a Tama simillar to it. To start this all off: My name is the Hatch-master (since my real last name IS...
  3. T

    Original 1997 US tamagotchis

    So i have the chance to get an original '97 Tamagotchi for a rather good price, and it's either a green transperent one, or a silver and black one (either or which i am happy to own). Sadly, my last two original tamagotchis had been lost since i moved homes, and i am lonely without an original...
  4. T

    The strangest mating couple...

    Heh, i was going to make this a poll, but found too many combinations, and sorry if someone thought of this before, but my mind wandered upon it, and now it's in the gutter... :angry: Q: What, in your opinion, would be the most DISTURBING, STRANGEST and even FUNNIEST mating couple you could...
  5. T

    Getting the same tama every time...

    alright, so from one irrate tama-player to another, please help me!! i try to raise my tamagotchis differently, but every time they get to adults, i always get the mamechi! i'm getting too bored with it that i am here now, asking this: How do i go about getting a Maskutchi, Gozarutchi...
  6. T

    Raising to make a specific tama?

    So i'm a little miffed this morning. My two tamagotchis (Haku, girl, and Henka, boy) had children and vanished, then my two boy tamagotchis were left alone, and by 10:30 my time, i named them and was on my way. I NEVER let them call for attention, i kept ALL their hearts full. i praised...