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  1. bijan5123

    Where can I buy a new tamagotchi v3?

    Is there a place I can purchase one of these?
  2. bijan5123

    Another new arrival

    I used to be new, I've hung around here for nearly a decade!
  3. bijan5123

    Faint Pixel

    You can use rubbing alchohol or DeIonized water to rinse the circut board. Do not energize the tamagatchi with solvent still on the board.
  4. bijan5123

    What Is Your Religion?

  5. bijan5123

    What Game(s) Are You Looking Forward To and Why?

    Star Citizen, I cant wait for it to come out.
  6. bijan5123


    Hello there, I guess I could say I'm new. Look at my join date though, been lurking never posted. So just wanted to say Hi c: