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  1. B

    How many Tamagotchis do you have?

    I have 2 Tamagotchis, both Tamagotchi Connection Version 2s', they're so addictive!
  2. B

    awesome! i got a Whaletchi!

    today i was having such a bad day, i forgot to pause my tama is the morning, i thought she was going to die by the time i get home because i got home really late at like 6, but yay! i got home just in time, and now i have a Whaletchi! ;)
  3. B

    Noooooo! Shiny! WHY?!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Shiny Tamagotchi's Age: 3 Date of Birth: 11/1/05 Date of Passing: 11/5/05 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: poor Shiny, you were my little baby...i was going to try and take really good care of you, i did'nt expect you to pass on so soon! darn school... :blink: