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  1. F

    Hi there

    hey hows it goin?
  2. F

    Hey PPL

    uh hi guys <_<
  3. F

    S'up tamadudes

    put him in time out and you'll get a training point. also when its crying you can praise it and you'll get a training point too.
  4. F

    Hi i'm new!

    i;ll be ur friend if u want <_< just PM me! <_<
  5. F

    Hi I'm New

    i comepletly agree with tamaguy. wlecome to the site and i hope we can chat sometime. c ya around~ ~fox~
  6. F

    want to be friends

    i'll be ur firend. you can pm me anytime^_^ <_<
  7. F

    Hey PPL

    Hey guys my name is Foxnight31(or fox if its easier) and I've only been on tama talk for 2 days. my hobbies are babysitting all my neighbors tamagotchis, playing with my tamas(kyle and ducky), soccer, drawing(anime), adn basketball. <_< i currently have two childs, this one <_&lt...
  8. F


    wait until u r 7 and then wait a while. she'll come and give yoiu a match. :D
  9. F

    Is there a way to get certain Tamagotchi's?

    it mostly depends on the way you raise your tama. i took really good care of mine and it became a mametchi.
  10. F

    Huh? Where's the present?

    your tama was being tricky and gave the other one nuthing :mellow: :furawatchi: lol
  11. F

    How Do You Give Your Tama A Toy?

    go to your games, click on items, scroll to the stuffed animal, click B and your tama Should put it on. it looks like a panda so its really cute :wacko: :wacko: :( :(
  12. F

    help please! emergency!

    you have to wait a while bifore it will restock. i've ahd the same problem but it usually restocked later in the day(or in the morning.). :( :( :( :( :( :wacko:
  13. F

    come to me for help on your tamagotchi 2's

    Mine wont breed either. i gave BOTH of my tamas a potion and they kissed but they didnt do anything. i am wondering how and why they wont do anything.
  14. F

    come to me for help on your tamagotchi 2's

    :wacko: you have to buy it again. bummer huh?
  15. F

    how do i get my tama to breed?

    help plz, my tama is 5 years old and it wont breed. or does it have to be 7?
  16. F

    how do i get my tama to breed?

    i cant get my tamas to breed. how do i do that? :wacko: i tried the luv potion and they kissed but didnt do anything. :wacko:
  17. F

    Are Neopets Fun?

    yeah! definetley. i've been on neopets for 3 yrs now and i love it!