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  1. I

    Extra Tamagotchi Batteries

    My Tamagotchi always runs out of battery and I have to go to the store, buy the batteries, find the's just a big hassle. I think the Tamagotchi package should could with extra batteries just in case!! :ichigotchi:
  2. I

    What day should TamaTalk's chat room be open?

    Monday, guys. The start the every new week, so we can ask each other questions about our Tamagotchi and then have that knowledge for the whole week. Come on, vote Monday, pretty please?
  3. I

    What day should TamaTalk's chat room be open?

    Admin, I understand that there are reasons why the Chat Room should be open one day a week. But there are also many reasons why the Chat Room should be open every day of the week. Number 1, You can always get Tamagotchi help, and Number 2, You always have friends to talk to about Tamastuff...