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  1. X

    Best tips, codes AND info on TamaTalk!

    Those codes probably work but I can't get them to. ANy tips for that. I think that your tips are really helpful especially the game ones. TAMA BABE
  2. X

    Would you says your tamagotchi is like your baby?

    I think my tamagatchi is kind of like my sister because sometimes they can get you mad and other times they are your best friend. They are sometimes annoying when they won't play a game or when they keep on calling you or like won't stay happy for over 2 seconds. All and all I love my tamagotchi.
  3. X

    Angelgotchi & Connection V2 Log

    OMG that is so sad that your grandpa might die. i was really sad when my great grandma died and angelgotchis sound cool.