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  1. S

    V2 Group Hatch

    Name-LEXI Training-3 Generation-1 Age-0 Pounds-17 (i know its over weight Gender-girl Points-950 (i know its not alot. I just got mine today)
  2. S


    my tamagotchis are a boy and girl. i need names quick. please list some
  3. S

    More information from Bandai!

    ;) more games,can shop,and more preasents from friends. dunno the rest. i'm soooo confused...when is version 2 coming out in us. i've been waiting for ever since my version 2 got lost :) ya i know it's so sad. lol
  4. S

    is it here yet??

    i'm soooo confused... i just found out there making a tamogatchi version 2 but whens in coming out???? if you know please write back soon. thank you