Nano Puppy


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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2005
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Anybody like the Nano Puppy? That one was my favorite. Nano Puppy was the reason why I even got into virtual pets! I think they're cute. Also, the ending is happy. Once it gets up to 31 years old, they just smile at you and the curtain closes.

My favorite Nano Puppy stage is that one where it looks at you all the time. Nao puppy was my favorite until the Cooltec Pocket Puppy came along.

I have the same exact reason. I was into puppies so I got into Nanopets and Tamagotchis and other virtual pets.

yeah Nanos rule! I have each and every nano ever released! (not every color, but every variety) :unsure:

I luv nano puppies!I have 1 + 2 tamagotchis. ;)

Yep, Nanos are really nice and so easy to take care of! I just love them. :rolleyes:

I've played with the kitty one the most but the turtle one was interesting with that arrow game.

I also have every kind of Nano :mellow: The cars, Fighters, talking ones even the Monster ones. They are sad though. Your job is to kill them off But the regular ones are just great!

I LUV the nanopuppy! My classmate had a kitty , she told me all about them and got me into them. I got the last nanopuppy at Toys-R-Us , all they had left were the babys!!!!!!!!

I love the nano puppy! :angry: I had one when they first came out, but it doesn't work anymore because the batteries leaked in it. But I now have a puppy and a kitty! I'm so glad they re-release them again! :wacko:

But the regular ones are just great!
By regular ones, do you mean the: Kitty, Puppy and Baby?

I also really love nanos! They are really nice pets!

I got a nano puppy cause there weren't any tama's at the store I went to...but now mine sucks it's too quiet, I have no clue what some of the signs mean, I can't figure out the time schedules, and I can't name it! WHY MAKE A PET UNNAMABLE?!

[SIZE=8pt]I have a nano puppy! I got mine to live up to 20 years old once. It was cool. It got really big and fat but it was cute when it ate food. I love my nano puppy! :unsure: [/SIZE]

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