Tamagotchi Or Giga Pet?


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i loved the original gigapets. there was such a variety- i had not only the original (i forgot their names :p ) kitty and puppy, i also had salem the cat, ariel (the mermaid), barbie's cat and the kfc fish thing. ohh, and the 101 dalmatians dog. the new gigapets seem cheap and tacky in my opinion. they're too big to be cute.. and they're noisy. i like my tamav4 now.

I think I like tamas better. I mean, at least tamas have variety! The gigas right now are rather boring after a while.

I dont like gigapets very much. For christmas my mom gave me a Giga Pet from eatw (electronic and toy world) since they did not have tamas in stock. I liked it for a little while, but then i got a tamagotchi. Then, i thought:TAMAGOTCHIS RULE!!!!! AND GIGAPETS SUCK LIKE EGGS!!! :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :D :p :D :D :D

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I didn't know about the old gigas before, they actually might be better... if I can test one...

[SIZE=12pt]Wow that was such a tough decision, and in my head I still really haven't figured it out. But my original favourite was always Giga Pets, I just loved the dog and cat and they are so much fun! But right now, I must say that my favorite is starting to change to Tamagotchi, the new versions they are coming out with are so much fun and you can do so much with them, more than any other virtual pet of late.[/SIZE]

I like Tamagotchis better but I agree with what people are saying about the older Giga Pets, like the dog and cat ones. I have a Looney Tunes one myself. Those were pretty cool.

It's seems like there's been a lot of "wear & tare" with Giga Pets (they're old and unknown). It just seems like Tamagotchis are much better. Especially the TMGC+C is so much better; it's like a video-game. What I'm trying to say is Giga Pets is just one of those things that doesn't really catch on in some places. The looks overall seem unappealing, and one would even choose the bulky Tama-Go with no knowledge of what it is rather than an original Giga Pet in stylish packaging. At least, that's what my friends thought. Not to mention that Tamagotchi has gotten so far. There are sites like these dedicated to the classic Tamagotchi.

It depends on what version/generation you are talking about...

The classic/original ones... Now those are pretty cute.

The newer ones... Are fairly boring after a while. They just suck out batteries.

I would probably still be more leaning toward the Tamagotchi.

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