Tamagotchi V5 fake - 'Tahogotami' - Warning!


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
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I found a YouTube video of a fake Tamagotchi V5 called Tahogotami, and it looks like a V5, but that shell design... I have never seen it before.

A link to the videos.

This is the most strange thing I have seen in my life! it's basically a toy not even related to Tamagotchi, even though it imitates the V5 in appearance.

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Wow, it looks very much like a normal Version 5 packaging except for that weird name.

And by the way, that's actually a real Tamagotchi Version 5 shell design. It's actually one of the most common and popular shells.

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I did actually think the packaging was kinda suspicious... Maybe they reproduced the V5 packaging so they could trick people into thinking its a real v5 and then surprise, surprise it's just another imitation of one they are just selling to get your hopes up... Only to bring them down again because you got a counterfeit. As for the shell design, I'm in a state of shock at the fact it's one of the most popular...Wow! I'm amazed. The company making these fakes must be getting desperate.


Like that. That's probably what the creator of the fakes is probably thinking...

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Ohmygosh!! I have never seen one with packaging so close to the real one and the shell design. The program it runs looks really similar to one I had that I bought by accident in Europe when I was younger (mines a JD Honey Lovers set) because I didn't know the difference. I think it's really unfortunate especially if it is being sold in non-English speaking countries because honestly with packaging that close if I wasn't a big fan I can totally see finding one at a flea market or whatever and thinking I'm super lucky for finding that shell design and not noticing the few letters difference. :/

Something I noticed in there is that it has this character selection-type screen and characters resembling Young Mimitchi, Mimitchi, Mametchi, Kuchipatchi and probably some other characters would happen to appear. All the rest were basically characters that look like animals. And something even more weird is that it has this animation of the selected character disappearing off the screen moments after revealing a giant EGG! Then when the egg hatches an absolutely enormous character appears that almost looks like an enlarged Babytchi!

So yeah, strange fake Tamagotchi.

Ohmygosh!! I have never seen one with packaging so close to the real one and the shell design. The program it runs looks really similar to one I had that I bought by accident in Europe when I was younger (mines a JD Honey Lovers set) because I didn't know the difference. I think it's really unfortunate especially if it is being sold in non-English speaking countries because honestly with packaging that close if I wasn't a big fan I can totally see finding one at a flea market or whatever and thinking I'm super lucky for finding that shell design and not noticing the few letters difference. :/
Maybe you got the same one! I think it's likely that when the V5 came out several years after it this came out. So it's likely that when fans got theirs and these were released there was a slightly higher chance of getting this by mistake because this is seriously a replica and the only difference it that it has a different name. But it's really surprising how they used the same shell designs and packaging.

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That's weird! But it looks super cool though. It is so similar to the real V5 that it looks like the authentic one. But if you see a package that doesn't say Tamagotchi, even though the item inside looks like the real thing, DON'T BUY IT! I'm positive that the YouTube person bought it on purpose to see what it was like.

That's weird! But it looks super cool though. It is so similar to the real V5 that it looks like the authentic one. But if you see a package that doesn't say Tamagotchi, even though the item inside looks like the real thing, DON'T BUY IT! I'm positive that the YouTube person bought it on purpose to see what it was like.
Yes, that's likely. And if they did buy it on purpose, that would be logical because it's interesting to see how a fake works, what it looks like, etc. 

But you bring up a very good point. You've got to look at what it says on the package before buying it, that way you'll know you've got the real thing.


But you're right, it does look cool.


P.S. I like your style. Your post looks very nice in an orange colour.

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I watched the review video, and I must say that looks weird. The graphics are horrible, and the Babytchi is way too big. I did like the blue and green shells though. But the person bought four of them? They must be really cheap. I would buy them possibly for putting real Tama guts inside the shells.

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They could have bought 4 but I only saw 2 in the videos.

They do look cheap, don't they. And by the way, fakes don't have Tamagotchi characters usually. Besides Babytchi wouldn't be that big because of the growth stage.

You could try making a real V5 out of a fake V5 shell. It would be like a new design after 7 years.

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Yeah, I know. That's why I'd be interested. They did have 4 in the video-- blue, green, white, and yellow. I wonder where they got them.

Well, I know a lot of people complain about finding fakes on ebay, so it's likely from there. I guess that's why people feel so strongly against buying them from there because people can get away with selling fake toys to desperate recipients on there. I'm sure there were TONS of them back in 2007, now we have 2014 and there's probably not so many. It must have been quite easy to mistake the real V5 for one of these fakes in 2007 when Bandai Japan released them, and I'm sure the people who are making these fakes were making sure theirs were sold overseas as well when the real V5 was back in 2008. They must have been trying to make more by making a fake version of the latest and best thing being sold at the time. They know exactly what they're doing, don't they? People must have been quite devastated to find that they ended up getting a fake instead of the real thing.
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That's why people need to do their homework, and look carefully at an item before committing to buy. And there are still plenty of fakes on eBay-- I see them all the time. ETA: I didn't see a family element in the video at all. Just one character. How misleading this is!!!

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I think it's likely that this isn't even close to the actual V5 at all, they just decided to use the shell designs. It's possible that most fakes only have like, 1 character, and that's it. No growing up, no multiple characters, no family elements, no anything. Just. One. Character. So it's likely that extra large 'Babytchi' may be the only character on there. Besides its probably like other fakes; it just bounces around on the screen and doesn't do much at all.
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I'm lucky I didn't get a fake V5. I can tell between a real V5 and a fake.

Fake V5 - Big characters which take up the entire screen, square screen (much like a normal V4.5/V4/V3/V2/V1 screen), Time and Date setting is different (no date setting, just time) also is in big letters, naming requires three letters instead of the 5 or 7 letter name limit, scrolling option to choose character, egg hatch sequence is more basic as if it were a normal virtual pet, attention icon blinks (does not stay lit)

Real V5 - Three characters on-screen, date and time setting, bigger screen (prism/rectangle shape), more characters to look after, does not have any animals instead of Tamagotchi characters alongside it, you cannot scroll and choose the character you want, egg hatching sequence is different, attention icon does not blink (stays lit)

Well, that's what I got.

Thanks for sharing this, Chama.

It's amazing how many differences there are between a real and fake V5. Looks like the fake V5 is seriously a limited toy. It must be lacking most of the features that were in the real franchise. But as for the character selection, it's pretty similar to the debug programming but I have no idea what's with all those...animals though. Maybe fake Tamagotchis must feature characters that look like animals, but the character that hatched from the egg, I think that was meant to look more like an oversized Babytchi.

As for the attention light blinking, interesting. I'm not sure I've seen that before. It must look quite similar to the regular ones, but I've never seen it blink before. But maybe if it does stay lit, that's supposedly better because then it's easier to see when it needs you.

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Wait a minute...there's a fake Yasashii?! I haven't seen a real one on Ebay for about a gazillion years... ;c

^^Yeah, in the same category, Tamagotchi Warnings. There's a few videos as well. It looks to be about the same size as a Suku. Not as big as a real Yasashii.

Oh ok. That's annoying that the company would make a fake Tamagotchi and name it something REALLY lame... -_-

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