What's a nanopet?


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Active member
Aug 10, 2006
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Hey everybody I think I know what a nanopet is because it sounds familiar but can you just explain it to me?? :D

Ok, here's MY explanation:

Nanopets are adorable little pets that ARE NOT like tamagotchi, which is good, because they are unique.

I have a nano kitty that was just born today, september 9, 2006 ^_^ .

Anyways, you can choose from I think, 3 diffrent kinds, nano kitty, nano puppy, and nano baby, there might be more, but I have the '97 version.

The logest I've heard them live is 42, which was mine :) .

Every few days they change and grow older. They age the same way tamagotchis do, 1 day= 1 year for them. And at the EXACT time everyday, if the sound is on, you will hear the birthday song, which is celebrating their (...) year birthday! It's really cute, some people say nanos are boring, but YOU will decide, in order to accually judge them, you have to play with one, I recomend the nano kitty or nano puppy, I hate nano babies, they only live 3 days.

Unless you really want to see how fun/boring nano pets are, you must play with one, I think they are very fun, tamagotchis are fun too but nanos are a diffrent kind of fun. :D

Hey everybody I think I know what a nanopet is because it sounds familiar but can you just explain it to me?? ;)
[SIZE=21pt] :D well i dont know what it is but i think u could it up on yahoo or google.com :) [/SIZE]

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