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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Iwas at my freinds house and she was joking and put her tama in the micowave then she fell and hit the start button we looked and a blue flame came up when we looked at it the screen it was blank. Is it broken? :mellow: :blink: :eek:

The tama burned up!!?? poor thing!, Take it out of the microwave, it is melted? just try to start it up again and see what happens. Please tell us what happens.

If you ended up with a tamagotchi in the microwave, then it is most likely broken! The device probably couldn't stand the heat! Sorry, I think that your friend now has a broken tamagotchi if the screen is blank and it's not working anymore. :mellow: Hope I answered your question! :blink:

A blue flame?!?! You guys are lucky the battery didn't explode.

Hasn't anyone told your friend to not play with microwave ovens? Trying to microwave something with metal in it could also damage the microwave oven. Ruining a $16 Tamagotchi is bad enough, but what if they had ruined a $100+ microwave oven too?

:) why did you put your tamagotchi in the microwave in the first place? :) :D
who's great idea was it to microwave the tama? ;)

FOOD goes in the microwave. Are tamas food? :chohimetchi: ' I hope not! :mametchi:

Yea i'd say it's broken! Why would your friend put her tama in the microwave?! :( And if you saw a blue flame...it caught on fire then the fire burned out. And if it's not burned but the buttons don't work then you short-circuited(sp?) the wires inside! Hope everything turns out ok!

And blue flames are the hottest flames. So you're lucky the battery didn't explode like binary said! :p If it exploded then your house (or your friends) and your neighbors houses would all be completely gone! And you and your friend could have been...dead. :lol: :D So I have some advice for you! DO NOT EVER PUT YOUR TAMAGOTCHI IN THE MICROWAVE OR OVEN OR ANYTHING THAT COOKS FOOD!

..O_O of course it's broken! Um..was you friend just careless? Because a tama's batteries are very dangerous. And also...


oh....I'm so sorry to hear that! I would be VERY mad if my friend did that to my tamagotchi!!! Maybe you should ask her to pay you back for your tama, even if she didn't mean it, she still wrecked it!

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