wen my tama had a baby....


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
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:furawatchi: ok, my tama had a baby. wen she died i went to PARENT and the baby;s mom was there twice. i got a parent code from one and the other was a code for grandparent.

my baby is only gen.2, is this a glitch? :eek: :eek:

livin a tamagotchi life


so let`s see... your tama is second gen and yet if has a grandparent on the family thing? wow...tah`ts prrety out there..it could very well be a glitch... I wouldn`tw orry about it through..next generation it`ll proly go away...

That happened to me before. I set the time to midnight to watch it go away, then I put it back to normal. When I woke up, it was on the parent list twice. It's not a big deal. A way to prevent it is to not set the time back, just to pause it. I think when it gets to midnight, it puts it on the parent list over and over.

V3, right? If not, I can't help. Sorry, just realized that.

dont worry your tamas fine and your tama can have babys like alot of my tamas!and they give you a parent code so you can go on tamatown and visit your tama before it died!!

i hope i helped :( :D :mametchi: :huh:

p.s. sometimes your old tama is there 2 times its ok that happens! :D

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Don't worry - it's just a glitch, and it won't effect your tamagotchi.

If your tama is a V3, one of the baby's double moms will disappear when it is on the 4th generation, and it will be replaced by your adult on the second generation. If your tama is a V4, one of the double moms should disappear when your tama is on the 5th generation - as the V4s can hold 3 generations in the 'parent' list. :(

-sk8er girl-

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