My TamaLog about my V4 and V3. Comments Welcome!


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Apr 11, 2007
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April 11, 07

Well Let me tell you a little about my Tamagotchi's

I have a the Pink Stripes V4 named leo. I have a summer night who is Hanna and A Jungle who is Chris.

Ok, Lets start with Leo.

He is 4 years old and is my 8th Generation. Today he was offered some jobs. The First job was a baker. And he was accepted. So now he is a baker. Right Now Chris is watching TV and Hanna is coming up close to the screen. While Leo is just bouncing around. Oh I forgot to tell you Hannah was visited my the Matchmaer at 7:00pm and as offered a Megatchi. She accepted and She had a beautiful baby boy, Whom I plan to name Zigo. I am going to go to Tamatown and buy her something for her going away gift. Lets see:

Leo- Togetchi

Hanna- Hawiannotchi

Chris- Hawiannotchi

On the other Hand no big news for chris. :p

Sont worry Chris, your time is coming.

Here is my Tamas:


Hey Tama Luvers. My name is Leo!! I am a Togetchi and guess what, I WORK!!! I am a chef, a gormet Chef! I make pastries So delicious that you think your in heaven. Of course you can ask hanna. She fed one to her newborn well I should say Zigo cause thats what she is going to name him. Anyways I have to go to bed. BYE!!

Hanna: I am so tired to giving birth to Zigo my 3 hour old son. I shall be leaving Tom. And I am soo sad. I am really tired. Bye.


Um..... Hi Tama ppls. Iam really sad right now cause nothing good happened to me. So ill talk when Im more in the mood.


Aww.. Poor Chris. Hey Chris *I tell Him* Your time is coming soon!

Well Ill report back in later.

Bye for now!!

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[SIZE=14pt]Wow! great log so far! i love reading logs! i hope something special happens to Chris soon! im sure it will! :wub: Keep up the good work![/SIZE]





Anyways here are a few of todays Updates:


Well Here is some Facts about my Tamagotchis:


Leo (V4)

Happy: ****


Training: {/////// }

Age: 5

Stage: Adult

Character: Togetchi


Gut points:



Fashion: 47







Chris (v3)


Happy: ****


Training: {/////// }

Age: 6

Character: Hawiannotchi

Stage: Adult


Hanna (v3)


Happy: ****


Training: {//// }

Age: 8

Character: Hawiannotchi

Stage: Adult




Leo just got the envelope mail. Lets open it.

*Opens Mail*

He got the Gotchi King. And the Gotchi King Gave him 1100gp Yeah!! That reminds me. I have to post a pic of Leo he took a trip to France:

And also that Hanna Is leaving her baby Zigo for me to take care of. I might Stay up tp watch Hanna Leave her baby.

Ok I have some exciting news!!!

Hanna My V3 left!! Leaving a sweet little baby Boy. I named Him Zigo as planned. So far he has eaten 4 Breakfast, PLayed 3 games of get, And Has pooped 2 times, PLus he got sick once.

Here is his stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: { }

Name: Zigo

Age: 0

Stage: Baby

Char: Teletchi

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

I just cant wait for him to evolve. But I cant take Pictures Because it is too dark for my camera to focus!! Man!!

Anyways Leo was just taking his bath and brushing his teeth. Whoop! Zigo had a poopy. *Cleans mess and feeds Him a bottle of milk. And I forgot to mention, He weighs 6lbs right now. And he has 2144gp . After he evolves into a toddler we are going to go to Tamatown and pick up some souveniers and other items!!

Bye for now!! :D

Ok!! Alot of news today!

Congrats Chris!! You got the matchmaker. He was paired to a Gozaratchi He had a .... GIRL!

Finally!! I got a girl!!

Any ideas for names?

I am thinking about daisy, rose, or Rainy For a spring theme. Any ideas for a Spring theme?

Anyways Even more happened. And hour later after Zigo My v3 boy who was born from hanna turned into a And tonight he will be turning into a Teen!! I hope for a young Mimitchi, or a Young Mametchi Plus Zigo has 3 training points so far. (He had just beeped for no reason a minutes ago so that made it 3) Well lets see for Leo he got paid this morning and he went to work a couple of times. And We got a sale in the shop today for a ticket for austrailia for 5000gp!! And I bought that Yesturday for 10000gp!!! I wish I never bought it. Now we are down to a little over 15000gp and I had over 40,000 gp 2 days ago!!!

So now I have to wait for Chris to leave to take care of his baby girl. K am hoping that Zigo will like the Baby because they might be partners. But if leo has a baby soon the competition will be on. HeHe. I am alos shooting to raise money at home to buy a new V4 with some charms to go with it. Ill tell you how that goes. Here in the U/S Tamas cost about $16 with tax and the Charms like $5 with tax So I am trying to raise $25(maybe buy some extra things) And on Monday And tuesday I am getting my camera.

Later for now!!

Ok, i have more news:

Zigo the Baby Boy whoo turrned into a mitzutamatchi Evolved this morning to a teenager. He is a Nickatchi. I hope Monday Comes soon so I can get that Camera. On the other Hand, Chris and Leo arer leavin their baby girls in my care tonight. (aybe even earlier) I have already got names!! one is going to be Rain and The other Sunny. I am going with the spring theme. Right Now leo is brushing his teeth and Aigo and Chrs and Chris's Baby girl is sleeping.

More later!!
