gift chart


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A gift chart? A chart to show gifts that tamagotchis can give each other? If it is that, then no,sorry. I don't have one.

go to there will be one there

a maskatchi can only get a cape and wings

(it looks like it is wearing a mask)

I don't have a chart, but I can try to remember.. :huh:

For Version one:

Marutchi,Babytchi, and teenager,:Ball

Mametchi: Pencil, Bow Tie

Mimitchi: Same as ^^^^(I'd think, I've never had one..)

Kutchipatchi: Wig, I think, and something else

Memetchi: No clue.

Hanatchi: Bubbleblower, wig


tarakotchi: Skateboard (?)Helmet(?)

Gozarutchi:Cape, wings I think


Thats all I can remember. I've had them all but Mimitchi(My fave, why can't I get him?? :huh: )But that was a while ago. Hope that helps! :huh:

To continue from inuyasha999forever...

Mimitchi: pencil, hair bow

Kuchipatchi: hat, maracas

Memetchi: Same as Kuchipatchi, except for it's a different hat

Tarakotchi: skateboard, boots

Hope I helped!

actually, the masktchigets a cape and wings...and i'm pretty sure the babys can get a ball :D



mametchi=pencil,bow tie

mimitchi :D =pencil,hair bow

memetchi :D =hat,maracas

kuchipatchi :D =cap,maracas

gozarutchi=changing cape,ninja star

maskatchi :eek: =cape,wings

hanatchi=bubble blower,wig

robotchi=bubble blower,wig


I don't have a chart, but I can try to remember.. :)
For Version one:

Marutchi,Babytchi, and teenager,:Ball

Mametchi: Pencil, Bow Tie

Mimitchi: Same as ^^^^(I'd think, I've never had one..)

Kutchipatchi: Wig, I think, and something else

Memetchi: No clue.

Hanatchi: Bubbleblower, wig


tarakotchi: Skateboard (?)Helmet(?)

Gozarutchi:Cape, wings I think


Thats all I can remember. I've had them all but Mimitchi(My fave, why can't I get him?? :( )But that was a while ago. Hope that helps! :(
TO YOUR INFORMATION kutchipatchis get maracas and a hat!! not a wig, silly! :lol: :lol: :D :DAND TAKAROCHIS GET A SKATEBOARD AND BOOTS!!

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