School... why do we have it?


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Dec 29, 2006
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I see no point in having school. Spelling doesn't matter at all. :)

Example: as lnog as you hvae the frist and lsat ltetres in the rgiht sopt, you can siltl raed the wrod bceuase yuor biarn deosnt raed the wrod lteter by lteter, but the wrod as a wolhe.

See what I mean? :blink:

We have school so we can learn the basics. Multiplying, Dividing, Adding, Subtracting, Earth science, etc.. Spelling actually does matter, because of the way the english alphabet is set, as well as the dictionary, etc.. I could hardly even make out the sentence you typed because of odd/incorrect spelling. That is why we have school, and that is why school matters. Without learning all of the things in your subjects, if you wanted a nice job to support yourself and maybe even a family, you would be clueless. :)

Hahaa......what a stupid topic. I mean, we need school. And it's not going to end because you think spelling doesn't count! Do you really think that when you grow up and spell things ' lkie tihs eervy tmie you tpye a wrod ' that you will be accepted in to a career. Or you have to add 8 + 4 on your fingers and end up getting 10 as the answer? And what about bills? Or paying for items? If you don't know how add just like that, people will rip you off.

Gym: To teach you about sports, and tries to get you to stay active and healthy.

Literacy/Language: To teach you how to read properly, write properly, and all the basics.

Spelling: This is quite obvious. For you to spell correctly.

Math: To teach you how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide quickly so when your much older you will know how to pay bills, how to know if your getting ripped off in the store....ect. Math teaches us a lot of things.

Science: Technology, to teach us about the wonderful world around us!

Social Studies: So we can learn about how people lived ages ago, and how people did it. To learn about our history and society today.

I could go on with the list but I think you get the picture.

Not everybody loves school, but you'll be glad you pulled through it later in life.

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the point of school is to educate us so we can become proficientadults so we can get jobs....and use math and stuff for commensense

We have school so we can learn. Without school we would all be stupid.

Spelling is important. You need to learn to spell to read and to write.

"Oh don't go to school and be a dummy" is what my mom told me. And have you seen half of the people life's who didn't get their education? Well their broke, have no career, brains, and money.

No and I don't get your point. Unless you want the whole world to be idiots. If nobody didn't get to school even this site wouldn't be open. No I don't see what you mean.

As I can see in your signature always confused, maybe school could help you be NOT confused all the time.

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I see what your saying that you don't like school. Though you'll be thankful for it when you get older. Kids in other places dream of going to school. Be happy you can go to school and get an education. okay? :lol:

Well, there are way more subjects than just spelling in school. You have to learn science, language, math, and social studies to get a good education. Having a good education means you can get a scholarship into great colleges and get a job that pays well later in life instead of being a cashier making 7 bucks an hour.

You need school because it teaches you more than just the four basic subjects. It teaches you social skills, like when you're at lunch and recess, it teaches you responsibility too, like remembering to do your homework and bring everything you need home with you.

So school is definitely something we really can't live without.

Psh, school is pointless? Do you know what people have sacraficed for you to even have the chance to go to school?

Without even reading the other posts I'm sure I agree with them so for your sake I won't go into rant mode.

Don't hate, appreciate.

I see no point in having school. Spelling doesn't matter at all. :)
Example: as lnog as you hvae the frist and lsat ltetres in the rgiht sopt, you can siltl raed the wrod bceuase yuor biarn deosnt raed the wrod lteter by lteter, but the wrod as a wolhe.

See what I mean? :D
School isn't just for learning spelling and math,it teaches us communication skills on how to make friends and learn about each other.I met most of my humble friends that I have today in school,only a few outside.School is an important place to be in,you need alot of the things you learn in school to survive in the real world,you learn how to make change so you don't get ripped off,learn how to add and subtract numbers for bills,words so you can talk,without school,face it,we wouldn't learn anything and we wouldn't make alot of friends. :)

I see no point in having school. Spelling doesn't matter at all. :angry:
Example: as lnog as you hvae the frist and lsat ltetres in the rgiht sopt, you can siltl raed the wrod bceuase yuor biarn deosnt raed the wrod lteter by lteter, but the wrod as a wolhe.

See what I mean? :D
No, I don't see what you mean. If we didn't have school, we wouldn't know how to read. Let alone know what it was.

And spelling is not the only subject we need in life.

I won't rant anymore on account of, others probably have already.

Wow...What kind of question is that? No offense but really. 0.0

Well I don't need to explain it sense 10 other people has already explained it.

And for one thing, if we didn't have school, you wouldn't be able to read what I just said >:] lol

School isn't pointless. Without school you wouldn't even know the answer to 1+1 is.

Also, if you couldn't even get a good job without school.

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Psh, school is pointless? Do you know what people have sacraficed for you to even have the chance to go to school?
Without even reading the other posts I'm sure I agree with them so for your sake I won't go into rant mode.

Don't hate, appreciate.
As cheesy as that was, I agree with it xP

You need school to get a job. Do you really think someone's going to hire you if you spell like a monkey and have to count on your fingers just to give someone change?

"it teaches us communication skills on how to make friends and learn about each other"

@Sportschick1994: You win. Seriously. Thats the most intellegent thing I've heard all day.

Because the human social system is so complicated, we need social interaction or else we wouldn't be able to function.

The human social system IS so complicated (at least I believe) because people don't need to spend their primary energy for catching food. It CAN be developed, so it IS. (I believe the same for morals, but thats entirely different.)

Spelling and grammar are not things that seem to matter in the short run, but earn you respect. If I typed like a monkey with a computer, anyone looking down on me wouldn't respect my oppinions. It doesn't matter WHAT you say, it's HOW you word it :D

It is very... eh.. self centered to think about school as a "given." The new US immagration policy has a point system, based on how smart and fluent in English that person is. If that person spelled like a monkey with a computer, obviously they can't handle a laptop, much less Citizenship.

wat about other lessons like science and maths and english!

some people dont have computers and did you get the spelling thing off brainiac?

If there was no school, there wouldn't be any movies, music, books etc.

I don't see the point of homework because we do enough work at school but I still do it.

Spelling does actually matter. Because we'd all be reading absolute rubbish in books, Actors wouldn't have any scripts and no one would be able to read lyrics... Or TT posts!

And that would be tragic. The human race would be incredibly stupid.

One lesson I can't stand, is R.E.

School is there no avoiding it, if you want a job then you as well try and get a great job.

Could no-one please quote the R.E part, I have a feeling something will happen :p



If we didn't pay attention [go to] school, we'd end up as people who have a horrible job and don't have  a lot of money.

See? My teacher's right. We wouldn't have FRIENDS either. And if the Admins and Guides and FAQ Team Members didn't go to school, they wouldn't be here. Neiter would we. If all the people didn't go to school, and someone mentioned TamaTalk, we'd all say, "TamaTalk?" That's why we go. :p

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