A Fluffy Merry-Go-Round!


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
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I somehow, for some unknown reason, started one tama and unpaused the other today. xD;; So I shall log them! I forgot how addicting it is to play with them.

The first, which I unpaused:

Kishu, a Pyonkotchi in a v2 shell. (I <3 v2s. I have v3s and a entama but I <33 v2s.) His shell is actually the newest of my 3 v2s, a red w/ jellybeans one. He's 6, and the back panel is missing: that makes the sound uber-loud. ^^;; The MM should come for him soon. He's also debugged, so his life'll go fast. It's his first generation, and his pixels are really clear, dispite the fact the battery's who-knows-how-old...

The second, which I started:

Mikan, a hitodechi (<3333333333 MY FAVORITE) also in a v2 shell. Her shell is white w/ fruit rings, my second and favorite design. Her back-panel is mismatched, because of something sad that happened last year (my friend's tama got dystroyed because some idiot jumped on it on purpose. However, we got to take it completely apart and we traded it's back panel with my good one's back panel because it's backpiece was scratched and shiny and such.) She's 1 and I really <3 her!! She only has two training but that's okay.

I end up pausing them alot for school and stuff. (In fact, they'll be paused tomarrow night for the halloween party-- I only have pockets for one thing, and that'll be my cell, so that I can call my parents and such)

But they'll otherwise be as happy as I can make them! >=3(3 *detirmenation* I'm sure of it!! <3

~~ Rei

I swore I posted in this before!! >>


KISHU / RAIO == (red w/ jellybeans v2)

Kishu had a baby boy and left. I named the boy Raio. (No reason why.) He's currently a kinkotamatchi (or however you spell it.) I took the back cover off my other, broken-ish v2 for this one, though it doesn't match.

MIKAN / PEEP == (white w/ fruit rings v2)

Mikan died in a tragic reset/download incident. In this accident, however, Peep was born. She's currently a Marutchi.

SUNAO == (blue hawaiian v4.5)

GUESS WHAT I GOT THIS WEEKEND =DDDD A V4.5! It's a boy named Sunao, who is currently a hitodetchi (<33333). I beat the tug-of-war game the first time. xD He has 12 funny points, 12 gorgeous points, and 14 spiritual points.

One of the boys will mate with Peep, but I'm not sure who. Right now I'm thinking Raio, but I'm not too sure. It's because right now I'm connecting them until that they're best friends. xD I'll do that with Peep and Sunao next, then Raio and Sunao.

Right now they have two smilies.

I want to start another tama but I have to get batteries first. I dunno which one I would run-- probably my waves v3. I can only find it and my semi-broken blue w/ candy v2 right now.

They're all asleep, now ^^

They all needed time-outs, so now their training is 2. Peep and Raio's weight is really high-- I'm waiting until they turn into teenagers, so that I can thin them out with Heading.

Here are their stats:


putitchi > kinkamotchi

shell: red w/ jellybeans v2

age: 0yr

gender: boy

hungry: ♥♥♥

happy: ♥♥♥♥

weight: 50lb

training: {||_______}

generation: 2

points: 1792p


shiroputitchi > marutchi

shell: white w/ fruit rings v2

age: 0yr

gender: girl

hungry: ♥♥♥

happy: ♥♥♥

weight: 36lb

training: {||_______}

generation: 1

points: 76p


tsubutchi > hitodetchi

shell: blue hawaiian v4.5

age: 0yr

gender: boy

hungry: ♥♥♥♥

happy: ♥♥♥♥

weight: 13lb

training: {||_______}

generation: 1

skill points: funny- 16, gorgeous-14, spiritual-18.

points: 2400p

I can't wait till they become teens! That'll be a while though, since I have to pause them alot... maybe I should let them sleep instead? If I can find the time in the morning.

Today was a bad day for me but I'm okay now.


Raio became a Hinatchi.

Peep became a Yu-fotchi.

Sunao became a Crackertchi.

Still teens-- they've been paused alot lately.

I'm entering all the codes now-- and I always keep forgetting to enter the love potion first!! >< I guess I'll have to buy it.

Okay. Today was B-U-S-Y.

A- I was woken up at 9am by an evolution noise. I jumped up and looked at them-- and it was Sunao! He turned into a Ura-Mametchi.

For anyone who is in need of mass-data for a growth chart...

I took care of him well, and his points were like this at evolution:

Funny: 91

Gorgeous: 12

Spiritual: 27

Raio and Peep are still teens.

B- I went to Wallgreens today in hopes of getting tama-batteries.


It cost about half the price of a new tama for two batteries, and there wasn't any in single packages.

And, somehow, I ended up with 15 less dollars and one new tama '''' How? I'm no longer sure... '''''

It's a v3, and it's yellow with a blue inset, and red/pink dots and buttons. I'll look up the name later...

I just pulled the tag and I'm waiting for it to hatch. :3


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