Worst dreams ever


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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San Francisco Bay Area
What is your worst dream ever? I was ust wondering.

Mine was when my classmates & my mom where at the beach, a tidal wave came! And my mom got hurt, & me & my classates were survivors. Then I woke up, and it was 3:39 am.Then when i slept again, BANG! A tidal wave hit glass windows.

And a wierd thing was, I thought it really happened, that whole dream was scary. ;)

It was during the night, some robber guy with a gun came in, shot my family and ran out.

I was the only one surviving since I hid in covers in the closet and he shot everywhere in there but me.

Doesn't that sound pleasant?

I had a dream were there were all these fire works that went off realy low to the ground, and the smoke was all over the place and there was fire and all that Jazz. Then, a whole bunch of these people came with chain saws and axes, and some one killed my sister, so I started to cry in my dream, but realy I tumbled onto my floor and cried! The dream itself was scary, but, acording to my sister, me sitting on the floor crying was funny! XD xo

:p Umm? Well I don't really remember this one to well, but I know it's my scariest ^^.

It was way way way realistic, - it was about my mom trying to kill me-

I was in my room playing with barbie's :eek: , and my came in with a chain saw...- that had blood on it.

It kinda freaked me out when I saw it, but then I said, " What are you doing with the chainsaw, gardening?".

Then my mom said "No, I am here to kill you".. Then I got really freaked out and kinda started to cry mummbling "Is this a joke?" my mom said, "no!" And I gulped- she came closer then I ran as ar as I could- I know how to wake up from a dream anytime I want- but I couldn't in this dream :eek:

My mom had all these kind o guns in her pocket and holding the bloody chainsaw- I saw my brother dead on the carpet (to tell you the truth I felt real happy about that) I ran, and ran I was deep in a forest.. and my mom was gaining up on me saying "You can run- but you can't,.. it's just a matter of time until your finally dead!"

then I was in my room on the bed- I thought I woke up.. so I went downstairs for breakfast...

And I was still in the dream- :p :rolleyes: :blink:

She came runing after me... I gulped RIGHT after my painful death- I woke up! :p :p

Though I remember- my dream kind of came true... except my mom didn't try and kill me

But in the garage I did she a chainsaw with red stuff on it- but it was right next to a red paintcan.. but the paintcan was never opened.... that was the thing THAT REALLY scared me after the dream.

I had a really bad dream a couple nights ago.

Well, here's the background: My mom and I are like, wicked tight. So I had a dream where I found out she had cancer, and only had three years to live. And we were planning what we were going to do within that time. And I tried to ask her to be with me when I was able to drive, but then I realized that she would be gone by then.

It was horrible. I told my mom, and she said, "Sweetie, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

It was wicked scary. I'll never forget it. :p

It's not scary, but it's strange and one of the worst. I dream in third person so when I say, "The camera..." it means what I saw.

Well, the camera showed me. I was walking across a bridge, then everything turned black, I ran to the lake and saw my whole body was black, but my eyes were red. I picked up a 6ft butcher knife and ran home, I went in and saw my mum, I grinned, then the camera turned to a window, showing a lovely scene, while you heard screams and demonic laughter in the background, the camera turned to my mum, dead, it then showed me walking up the stairs, then the camera turned to a window, showing a lovely scene, while you heard screams and demonic laughter in the background again, it then showed my big brother, dead. This went on through my whole family, then, the camera showed me, I grinned, with blood on my teeth, I then raised the knife to my neck, then the scene showed, but there was silence.

I actually felt pain in my neck when I woke up...

Last night I had a really scary dream.

My family and I were sitting in the car at the service station and then some guy wearing black came up to our car. Then I told everyone to lock the doors and wind the windows up. The man pulled out a gun and shot at the windows and they smashed. Then he climbed through the window and got in the car and then started shooting us. I woke up at about 3 because of that dream! Scary.

my dreams was really real. well it felt real.

i was on the beach. i was saying bye to my brother i was walking when i was saying bye. and i didnt know that i was in the sae so i looked around and i was gone! i drowed.

i tryed to scream but i couldent


Um Ok for some reason I killed a seal, then it just got really tempting and I kept killing seals, mothers, pups, fathers, all the seals then they became extinct...I was like, in tears when I woke up. It was like a message or something, I hope I don't grow up to kill seals :(

I had this dream where I was in my porch with my mom. There was this tsunami (OMG! I DON'T EVEN LIVE BY THE OCEAN >o) and my mom said it was the "White Wave". She told me to duck, but I was like "Huh? Ducking will result into DROWNING," but I just ducked anyways. I woke up, then.

scariest dream to date:

im playin' a gig at a rock concert and then all of a sudden theres a whistling sound and then an explosion killing the crowd and sending a giant speaker flying right at me...i woke up in the dream and there was a strange man with a shotgun...and he said "there can be only one..." then gunshot...then i woke up

may not seem scary but when everything seemed so real...*shudders*

I had a faze of recurring dreams a few years back were I would jump awake panting, sweating, and so scared I couldn't talk x.x''

Aside from those dreams' my worse one was this: I was at a friends' place (Well x-friend. We haven't chatted since our parents got in a feud 2 years ago. I really wish we were friends still) And my little brother came. He was only 4 and such. He weirdly had buck teeth that kept growing until they fell in his mouth. He choked on them, I tried to do that squeze CPR but he died.

I have two REALLY bad dreams.

#1: My friend and I were trying to build an electric car to try to stop polluting the air. When we finished, she said "I'm gonna test it out!" (FYI, she's only 7!) As soon as she touched the steering wheel, she got electrocuted and died. It's weird, because there was death music in the backround!

#2: This dream was extreamly short. There was this show that was called Cailou (sp?) that I used to watch when I was, like, at the ages 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. It was a cute show, now lets get to the point. I saw Cailou's face. Normal, right? Wrong. His tounge was out, he had his fingers in his ears, and he had angry eyebrows. There was a white backround, and there were words at the top. I couldn't read them fast enough before the dream was finished, though. And to top it off, there was, yet again, death music in the backround.

Cookies to everyone who reads at least one of my dreams. Pies and cakes to everyone who reads every bit of my post. :D

My most recent dream;;

Okay, firstoff. To let you know, my mother and I are very close. So, onto the dream. My mother and I were going to a convenience store at about, say, 11:30 PM. So we walk in, and there's nobody at the cash register, but there's a gruff-looking man waiting first in line [though he was the only one in line]. My mom gets what she needs, and gets in behind this man. I go off to pick out a candybar. So there's a mirror in the back of this store, and out of suspiscion, I'm watching this man talk to my mother. For some reason, they go into the back room. They don't come back for about 10 minutes. So I start to get panicky, and as I'm about to shove through the swinging door, it opens. There stands the man, a bloody butcher knife in his right hand, my mom's head in his left. I screamed and started bawling, and ran out. I ran for what seemed like ever, until I ended up in front of my sister's front door. Apparantly, my mother had been dead for years. I woke up bawling. It all felt so real. . . It hurts to even talk about it.

Next dream;;

I used to have a lot of reoccuring dreams when I was younger, and they all frightened me. I'll sum them up here.

1. "Friendship Star" [mhm, I titled every one of these dreams.]

Me and about five of my best friends would all be in this small one-room house. It was painted bright yellow, inside and out, and had only one window with blue panes. We would all be playing a game of truth or dare, and then my friend Shalee would shout to everyone. She would tell us to duck and hide, and no matter what, under any circumstances should we never think a single bad thought about any of the people in the house and not make a single sound. No talking, no moving, nothing. And everytime she would shout it, we would all listen and do as told. All of us would pile onto another. It was always so quiet, you could hear our shallow breathing. And then a strange red light would fill the room. We all looked out that single window, and we star a bright blood red star. Soon, the light would go away, and the star would disappear. Shalee said it was called the 'Friendship Star', and whoever thought anything bad about their friend under the light of said star, would die right on spot. That dream occured about every week or two for approximately two years.

2. "Bigger Isn't Always Better"

I would be alone, in a barren wasteland, with a giant house and a single small barrel in front of me. I would walk into the large house, and it would be small and cramped on the inside, with a single bed with scratchy red sheets on it. I would leave, and climb into the barrle- large and spacious, with a king sized bed with a beautiful silk yellow bedspread atop it. There would also be a bathroom and kitchen. I didn't understand the meaning of this dream a bit. It occured about every three weeks for three or four years.

3. "Turtle Soup"

This dream was rather freaky. I'd get a green turtleneck sweater for my birthday, and I would put it on. My sister would be there, and we would start walking to the ocean [hah, we live in the middle of the USA. Get that :p ]. I'd start slowing down, saying I couldn't force myself to go any faster. Before long, my lips and eyelids would begin to turn green. Then my entire face. Then my whole body. I'd get a shell on my back. And then, I'd turn into a turtle completely. My sister would stop walking, pick me up, and say, "Oh well. Guess we just have to turn you into soup." And start walking home. This occured about every two months for about a year and a half.

I think I had one more reoccuring dream, but I can't remember it.

This dream was last night. I went on TT, they were advertising naked men and woman. That was really freaky. Then i went to my former daycare, and sang fergalicious. Then when i got hme i saw 3 evil wolfs in y backyard. I screamed,"MMMOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!". She said, "Yes". I said,"THERE IS 3 WOLFS IN THE BACKYARD!!". She looked out the window and saw them. She ran down and we both saw my 2 dogs mesmerized to the wolfs tearing stuff up. Then i screamed and screamed & screamed.


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