how to get ura mametchi!


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Dec 26, 2007
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ok first you have to have a baby boy

second you have to get tamatchi or the starfish guy in order to do this do not feed your baby snacks (unless it needs them)

after that keep playing games and not to much snacks

it should change to crackertchi or ura young mametchi after that get mr turtle as your teacher (the first dude) and play the game apples

you should get ura mametchi as your adult

hope I helped :furawatchi:

Well, I have a uramametchi, What I did was, no snacks, played games where he was usally worst case was 4 hearts in happy, And raised ALOT of funny points (The one w/ a happy face) Then, *Dun-dun-dun-DDUUUNNN!!1!* POW! there was a ura mametchi!

the sushi chef guy? you must have raised your spirtual points instead of your funny points remember if your points arent really high in funny you will get a different funny character if your points are somthin like 57 40 13 you will get a bad funny character but if you get points like 170 57 32 you most likely will get ura mametchi ;)

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guys this is inportant i had to change my account i am mysterio 1997 i swear on my life i am not lieing so dont think im copying anyone ok if i can delete this i will thanks

I got crackertchi but I got the little "sushi chef" guy
the little "sushi chef guy" is actually mastushi.OMG I feed it snacks! maybe it will still turn ino ura mametchi.

That's funny. 'Cause when I bought my V4.5 the first adult character I got was the Ura Mametchi.


I gave it 5 foods and 10 snacks when it was born, got the weight to 30 lbs (I do this with every baby - baby @ 30, Child @ 35, Teen @ 40, Adult @ 45). I fed a fair few snacks to it. I kept right on top of it though, I never let it go below 3 full hunger points, or happy points. I cleaned it up as soon as it looked like it wanted to poop. That's while it was a baby. I kept fairly well alert when it was growing older, not nearly as quick with it as when it was a baby ... I ended up with ... a blob for a kid, and Young Mametchi (normal version), and then it turned into Ura Mametchi.



ok first you have to have a baby boysecond you have to get tamatchi or the starfish guy in order to do this do not feed your baby snacks (unless it needs them)

after that keep playing games and not to much snacks

it should change to crackertchi or ura young mametchi after that get mr turtle as your teacher (the first dude) and play the game apples

you should get ura mametchi as your adult

hope I helped :D
You can get ura mametchi not just with hitodechi(starfish) you can get him with kuchitamatchi as well but you have to get daiyatchi and take good care and get lots of funny points.(believe me i have had like loaaadds of ura mametchis and hes my fave character,hence the name :( )
