what should i do?


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
ok i think i've told you about jacob. he's who i like.

i wanna ask him out but don't have the nerve to. My friend suggested writing a note to him. My other friend said to just ask him out.

what should i do? he's been throwning flirtacoious signs at me and i've been doing the same to him. He knows i like him.

what should i do?

~MsComplicatedgirl101 (violetetchigirl101)

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I say wait for him to ask you out if he's been giving you signs. A couple days won't make a differene if you really like him.

yes, send him a note! that works grrreat. I sent my crush a note and I'm not even kidding he's been lookin at me ever since. (tht was last year though) I think he likes me, idk but I got it off my chest .. .

Tama 3445521508 :)

If you're under the age of 20, don't bother. What's the point of liking someone more than just a friend, if you aren't going to marry them? Kids these days are having relationships way to mature for there age. And if you don't care about anything I just said, then if I were you, I would wait a bit longer, then write him a note.


If you're under the age of 20, don't bother. What's the point of liking someone more than just a friend, if you aren't going to marry them? Kids these days are having relationships way to mature for there age. And if you don't care about anything I just said, then if I were you, I would wait a bit longer, then write him a note.
I don't agree. I think that young relationships can be good experience to know what to do and what not to do in more mature relationships. I know that I don't regret a single one of the relationships I have had, because each and every one taught me something.

I would say that if you aren't comfortable talking to him face-to-face, send him a note to let him know how you feel. If he doesn't feel the same, then you won't have to deal with it in person, but if he does feel the same he can let you know. Good luck!

[SIZE=8pt]a handwritten note on lined paper with drawings in the margins.[/SIZE]


so young-love xD


but no poems or songs, not until you've been going out for a while, otherwise he'll think you're a freak O_O


and keep it on the DL


good luck ^^

well today i was talking to my friend mackenzie and we were talking about him and me and her chase him at recess so i didn't get out till late because i talk with my friend abby and mackenzie said he kept following her saying where was i. so then in art i was talking to nick and he said he talked to jacob and he said that jacob said he was going to ask me out

If you're under the age of 20, don't bother. What's the point of liking someone more than just a friend, if you aren't going to marry them? Kids these days are having relationships way to mature for there age. And if you don't care about anything I just said, then if I were you, I would wait a bit longer, then write him a note.
I disagree. Relationships before high school can be a good learning experience, so you know what to do and what not to do.

If he really likes you in that way, he'll talk to you. Just smile when you see him and say hi. If he's interested, he'll make more of an effort to talk to you and be around you. If he doesn't, he's just one of the first of a long line of crushes you will have over the years. It's his loss. And if he's not talking to you because he's too afraid to talk to you, that's better for you! You wouldn't want to be with someone who never faces their fears to get something they want. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, my dear. Have fun with whatever you choose.

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