Pretty. Odd.


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Mar 26, 2008
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There may be a topic like this. But when I first got Pretty. Odd. I thought it was just terrific. Love the sound and taste of the music. But, many of my friends on others sites and several at school think it sounded like crap. 'Oh I miss the old Panic. This album made them sound different but in a very bad way. I wasted all my time to wait for this album and it was a waste of my money!' or 'This album is just a rip off of The Beatles and this album is much slower. The lyrics/songs are very boring and redundant.' All of them were diehard fans of Panic but most of them even got rid of their t-shirts and posters.

I've been hearing and seeing this for the very first time Pretty. Odd. came out. I don't know why but I love the album. Sure the music sounds different then it used to be. What would your thought be on about the album and how several fans reacted when they heard it. Like my friends did. Did you love it or hate it? Or even think it was okay? Please at least comment, post or vote.

I got it the first time it came out and love it. Yeah like you said, it did sounded different than their old music. But you know, people change. I've been hearing the same thing too about fans and my friends about how they changed. Or even people saying that they sound a lot like The Beatles. Yeah, so they changed. So what?

Haha. I've been thinking about this actually.

Yes. They did change. It's obvious. The ! is gone. Their style is different. Brendon, Ryan, Jon, and Spencer have changed. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was an amazing first album. They were different from other bands.

Pretty. Odd. is different too. In a good way though. It's almost like...they're more mature or something. The songs are still great. Brendon's voice is still amazing. Ryan did some more vocals. His voice sounds so sweet. Everyone in the band got to sing on this album. That's a plus, right? All in all, this was a great sophomore album. They're still one of my favorite bands. Nothing's changed except them.

But then again, as much as I love both albums, I still miss the old Panic. The Panic with the exclamation mark. But then, I like the new Panic too. The more mature Panic.

Both albums are good. Amazing. But, just in different ways. You really can't compare one to another. Well, you can, but it's just not the same thing, is it?

I think that the removal of the exclamation point and the loss of Brent has changed the boys. Now, dont get me wrong, Jon is the worlds most amazing person! But, it wasnt as much the exclamation point that changed them, after all, it was just punctuation. As Ryan said, he isnt 18 anymore, the lyrics dont have the same angst under tones as AFYCSO. The guys are all happy at the moment and that reflects on their music.

Not only the sound, but their aesthetics have changed, Fever was more the 'circus-dance-pop-punk-burlesque' with Bdon in his ring masters outfit and the other guys dressed up equally over the top. This album they are more Beatle-esque..Beatles-esque..something. There really is no real way to discribe how they look without going to see them live, only then will you get the full taste of how great they still are, aesthetically and musically.

Really, I cant compare the two albums next to each other as they are practically different bands, yet still the same. Amazingly talented musicians and probably the nicest, friendliest and most amazing guys you will ever meet. I agree with everyone else, the P.O. and AFYCSO are over the top awe inspiring; nobody could make us choose between old and new.

Oh yeah, and Ryan singing? And JON? AND SPENCER! *Fangirl scream* That is the worlds best thing to start the Rydon Fund, any takers?

It's terrible. I was so dissapointed.

They sound like all the other bands now and there music is to slow and deppressing.

^ You find them depressing?

I think these lyrics are so much more upbeat than their first album.

Either way...both albums are good.

Depressing? But it's your opinion.

I find the lyrics very well written. Though odd, in a very excellent way.
