Tama Resurrection? o_O


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Active member
Jul 10, 2005
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Okay, a while ago (before I had v2) I was playing with my Version ONE tamagotchi connection (a Ichigotchi teen, female). I was watching tv, doing computer games and totally ignoring its beeps (I can't forgive myself for doing that!!!)

Then it started beeping over and over, and I looked at it and my ichigotchi was falling and flashing, which was dying. I knew that from watching one of my friend's tama accidentally die :ichigotchi:

I was totally upset and I didn't want to watch it die anymore, so I turned it over and pressed the reset button.

Instead of choosing reset to get a new egg, I chose the download choice by accident,

and my tama was alive again!!! :kuribotchi:

Has this happened to anyone?

(and I'm sure that it was dying. 100% sure. had the beeping, the falling and flashing, etc.)

By the way, don't purposely make your tama suffer to try this out :puroperatchi: Thanks...


*|| Poohtamagirl ||*

o yes that has happened to me. yea it was awesome cause i so didnt want it to die and i was so happy that i could reset it

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