Which Tama(s) Do You Own?


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I have a v4.5 and a famitama. my famitama is pretty much the same thing as the v5 but I chose the v4.5 because it was my first! (well my v2 was my first but it's a long story)


I couldnt vote.I have 6 and a other v-pet.

An Angel

a v3

a v4

a v4.5

a v5

a v5 celeb

and a Pocket Puppy.

I voted V4 but I have a P2 ancestor as well.

I have 3 V4s, 2 V4.5s, a V5 and I don't know what the other one is.

i have angelgotchi, 2 v2's, v3, v4, v4.5, and awaiting my pre-ordered tamagotchi plus color.

I said "You're nosy Parker" because I have multiple ones, but not all. xP I have:

I'm waiting for a V1 to come in the mail




V6 (Music Star)


I chose all.

I have somewhere between 40-50 now.

Mostly English, some Japanese. They're in boxes and I'm too lazy to figure out the exact numbers XD

The only one running right now is my color.

All the tama's i own are in my signature. Total is 9 all together.

My first one was a Tamagotchi v.3 but then I got a v.4 which i'm playing now, 2 v5's 2 v.6 and a tamagotchi plus color. the v.5 and v.6 i gave it to my friends i just have the v.4 and the tmgc+c and my mom had threw out the v.3 when I ws little.

Well, I Have V5 And Music Star !!!

I Use to Have A V2 But I Lost It :furawatchi:

Oh Well My Acconte Name In Music

City Is RA5557 ( Just Letting U Know :furawatchi: )

Kikitchi :3

I have a Autumn Leaves V4.5, Frogs V3, Baby Blue V1, Sunflowers V4, Cotton Candy V5, Fish Tank V5, Red Piano V6 (music star). And an Japanese Angelgotchi, Japanese Morino, and Japanese P1 on their way! I'm so excited! :p B) :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :mimitchi:

i have a v1, a v2 (somewhere :D ), a v3 and 2 v4s but i'm only currently using my v4 i got in america :angry:

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