Paint Brushs


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
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New Zealand
How many of your pets are painted? I have three pets, two of them are painted. One is sketch :D :mametchi: and one is Christams :ph34r: :wacko:

I have one painted pet, a Christmas Uni. But, I didn't paint it myself, I got it from the pound. :mellow:

i have three pets painted a disco lutari, pink cybunny and pirate hissi....then i have this yellow grundo which is being zapped.

I have 4 pets, 3 are painted, a Christmas Lupe & Kougra and a Cloud Shoyru and all but one isn't adopted

I have 4 pets, 2 are painted. A camouflage Kougra, and a mutant Mynci, but the Mynci is mutant from the lab ray, not a paint brush.

I have 4 pets and 3 are painted.

Speckled Shoyru, Christmas Bori, Rainbow Wocky.

My other pet is a Hissi.

Okayyy, more updating lol.

I now have five pets spread over two accounts. (One main, one side.)

Four of them are painted - Rosaleeya the Baby Acara, Saiytia the Baby Cybunny, Jauntay the Chocolate Kacheek, and Anehlla the Cloud JubJub.

Dustann is a Green Kougra, bland and unpainted, and I like him just that way. ^^

1 sadly but im working on turning my next one into a baby :) my U/N is exotic_beautii

only have one painted.And that's my white moehog. My other pets are too precious for me to paint,even though I have a maraquan,cloud,christmas,starter red and starter blue paint brushes.

I got a Starry Xwee (Fizzloto) from the pound and I painted my Shoyru Sketch (Weevlecheevle) and I gave my Chia the Chia Transmogrification Potion (Chicachooba) to turn him into a Florg <3

I also have the Secret Laboratory Map, so I often zap pets and have so far only kept my original pet (Fruslibo) whom I zapped Skunk, all the others I gave to the pound for some other lucky neopian to find ^-^

@ GotchiGirl96 : I've wanted a cloud JubJub ever since I passed one in the pound by mistake -sigh- I was so angry with my self XD

+ I am so happy :] Yesterday I zapped my sisters Scado into a CHOCOLATE BLOBIKINS... Oh yus!

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only two.. no i guess one of mine is painted. i have a fairy xweetok (her name is vulpix, cause when i got her she was red) and a tomato jub jub! ( with a magical tomato chis pop) i think theres a topic on magical chis pops if ur clueless.... i have an unpainted kougra and kau which i plan to make baby and glowing byeeee

im sorry did i say jub jub? i meant chia XD

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