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Absolutely normal. My sneezes are really boring. So whenever I sneeze, it's just like ''Blehh, I sneezed''. With some people, when they sneeze, people crack up because of the funnyness.

Mum's boyfriend sneezes so loud. It sounds like an elephant, literally. I crack up whenever he sneezes, cuz it's just so amusing.

Have you ever wondered why people say 'Bless you' whenever you sneeze...?

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Have you ever wondered why people say 'Bless you' whenever you sneeze...?
I heard once that it's because whenever you sneeze the devil gets into your body, and so ppl say "Bless you" to get him out XD

Maria's is probably more correct. ;P

...I don't sneeze a lot. Like, other than when I'm sick, I don't think I've sneezed since like, 3 months. o-

They're kind of just, normal for me. Normal loudness and normal sound and all. I actually think I even have a video xD

Well, they're sort of loud, but I can make them quiet.

And usually when I'm done sneezing about 4 times, my eyes are very watery. D:

I have spring/summer allergies. Yuck.

I'm sneezing alot atm - I am allergic to tree, grass and flower pollen - and it is summer in the city of London :rolleyes:

My sneezes are varied! Some loud, some quiet, some almost swallowed, most of them muffled - I usually have enough warning to grab a tissue and sneeze into it ... it all depends on how bad the allergic reaction is at the time of the sneeze :mellow:

Edit: "Bless You!" when you sneeze: Wiki link - take your pick on what it means! :unsure:

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My sneezes are obnoxiously loud.

But before I sneeze, I always feel it so I'm like "UH OH I HAVE TO SNEEZE" and everyone panics, haha.

It can be a false alarm sometimes but then it'll sneak up of my a couple seconds later - I hate that.

Sometimes It's loud and big, and sometimes it's really small and sounds like a squeak xD

My sneeze is high pitched and very fast. Its sound like I'mma gasbag explodin'. xD

My sneezes are either loud and obnoxious or quiet and squeaky.

It depends on how discreet I'm trying to be, however, discretion with me sneezing isn't so easy XD

I totally sneeze-flail.

It's like, "FWA-Tchoo!" And really loud, and then I flail my arms during it. If I'm standing, then I step backwards, and I end up walking into something. xD

And then, when I try to stop sneezes, I end up getting all squeaky. It's like, "-Crap, sneeze coming on.. D:- -stop sneeze- Did it stop? D:" And then people look at me funny, all, "Why you all squeaky and crying? o_o;"

I've tried to record me sneezing before. I sat with a video camera during a high pollen thing, and while I had the cold. I sat for lik, half an hour. Not once did I sneeze. xP As soon as the camera was off, BAM. I sneezed.

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