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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2005
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ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ive connected wiv miself!!!a tama came on to mi screen and they are dancin now!!!!!!!!!its like a disco!!!oh-its gon.dat was so cool!!!!!!has that happend 2 anyonez before?pleez tell me!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :furawatchi: :lol: :D

i woz just fiddlin and it went on 2 connect and it just well connected!

Yeh Dancin is totally normal they are just random animations :wacko:

Mine dances all the time. But you say it was 'connected with itself'? Well, THAT's just plain weird.

yeh sometimes when your connectong and no one is around u just connect to a tama automaticly

To connect to 'yourself' you need to be next to a connecting wireless IR device with in a 10 in. radius (im out of NJ and now in FL and the hotel has wireless connection 100%! so i cant connect.) BTW: I connected with a walkie talkie at summer camp! THE walkie talkie was making wierd nosies!

To connect to 'yourself' you need to be next to a connecting wireless IR device with in a 10 in. radius (im out of NJ and now in FL and the hotel has wireless connection 100%! so i cant connect.) BTW: I connected with a walkie talkie at summer camp! THE walkie talkie was making wierd nosies!
wel thats just wierd

To connect to 'yourself' you need to be next to a connecting wireless IR device with in a 10 in. radius (im out of NJ and now in FL and the hotel has wireless connection 100%! so i cant connect.) BTW: I connected with a walkie talkie at summer camp! THE walkie talkie was making wierd nosies!
:hitodetchi: :pochitchi: Actually,it just connected wiv itself or annuver that just did da same!!no special equiptment!!! :mametchi: and 2 everyone thats saying 'mine dances all the time,its normal...' does yorz dance wiv a nuvver tama?like a disco? :D :ichigotchi: :p :chohimetchi: :mimitchi: :unsure: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

Hey how do you connect with yourself in a mirror? How far away from it do you have to be? I tried with it like a few centimetres (less than an inch) away and with it touching and neither worked :gozarutchi: .

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