MR. 13579's Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA
With it now being summer, I had begun reminiscing to when I was twelve (which was three years ago) and how obsessed with Tamagotchis I was. If I remembered correctly, I had about 19, two of which were Japanese. But then I turned thirteen and started becoming obsessed with boys (thank you, hormones), so I sold most of my Tamagotchis on eBay. I still had four, and they began collecting dust, their batteries dying, and they were forgotten until just yesterday.

I wanted my two Tamagotchis that I started up (because I bought two new batteries) to be able to connect, so the Music Star that I owned was out of the picture. The v3 was busted, so I thought "Why did I keep it?" I threw it out. The only two remaining were my first-ever Tamagotchi - a v1 - and a v4, which I never used (but why did the batteries die? It's still a mystery...) because my parents got it for me for my 13th. I also wanted one to be a boy and one to be a girl, because I abhorred that matchmaker. It took three tries, but my v1 had the girl, whom I named Vera, and the v4 had the boy. His name was Edwin. I know they are weird names, but I'm a weird parent for them. At least I didn't name them stupid names celebrities often give their kids like Apple or Egypt.

They were very easy to take care of as babies, while I was brushing off my untouched care-giving skills. I would tend to play a little more with Edwin, because the v4 was, of course, the more complex Tamagotchi. I have a strange way of donating to the king, too: For each day's earnings (points on this day minus points of day before) I donate one tenth of it, rounded up to the nearest whole point. I know I'm a math geek, but that's how I got into a 10th grade course (Geometry) for freshman year. Anyway, Vera turned into (the obvious) a Marutchi, and Edwin into a Puchitchi. I love saying that, Puchitchi, especially putting emphasis on the "chit" syllable. hahah... I know I'm bored. That's because my darling Vera is up and Edwin isn't. The boy would sleep in, as far as I know from my experience with human boys. :angry:

So as of right now, Vera's stats are:

Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 1 bar

Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: VERA

Gender: Girl, Generation: 1

While in the process of typing Vera's stats, I fed her (mmm... yummy bread. Don't have too many carbs, Vera or you'll turn out like me.) and she needed to be disciplined. As for Edwin (even though he's still asleep):

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 1 bar

Intelligence points: 6, Style points: 23, Kindness points: 16

Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: EDWIN.

Gender: Boy, Generation: 1

Points: 1,359 points (last night it was 1,510, so well y'know.)

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :) .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

Today also was fairly simple. At about 5:42 PM, both Vera and Edwin changed to their adolescent forms. Vera is an Ichigotchi, and Edwin is a Gourmetchi. Because of such, darling Edwin said good-by to the nanny and hello to Mr. Moustache as I call him. The new game for it is real easy, I play something like this with my little sister and she hardly ever tricks me.

I've been connecting them a few times a day, and they have become good friends... but the strange thing is one says 2 ☺'s and one says 3 ☺'s. Does one like them more than the other?

OK, so I just have to donate 158 coins to the king.. wait. I forget what happens once you donate a certain amount does anything happen? D'oh.. whatever I'll figure things out.

Stats as of now:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 4 bars

Age: 1 yr Weight: 23 lbs Name: VERA (what else??)

Gender: Girl Generation: 1



Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 4 bars

Intellect points: 18, Style points: 41, Kindness points: 39

Age: 1 yr Weight: 23 lbs Name: EDWIN

Gender: Boy Generation: 1

Points: 2781 (after I donated of course)

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :) .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

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Good afternoon :) I just noticed the COOLEST thing in the shop - a guitar. Guys that play guitars are hot, so hooray for Vera. But it costs 8000 and I have 5731 points. I've been getting him obese for that reason precisely: to get extra points. Weird how that can relate to my life: I get a little pudgy and so my parents want me to go on a Detox plan or whatnot so THEY can get their brownie points at work for being good parents after I came out. :lol:

Oh what's this? The mail dude is here! Maybe it's another one of those letters from the king where he gives me a pressie or 700 points or something like that. That's happened a lot lately. Yayz, he likes Edwin! That's probably because he's such a fabulous student :p Oh crap.. it's a snake. His happy hearts just went down to one. Yay, an Opportunity! Please excuse me, I must do the obvious: dance in crazy circles for no reason other than to end up falling because I'm so clumsy.

The beeping when my Tamagotchi is happy be mah pimpin' music. Not. Have you ever wanted to be really good at something, but ended up doing terrible? Yeah, that's how I feel right now. I just got a mere 30 points because I screwed up. Well, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. If it doesn't go well a third or fourth time, you naturally fail at life.

YAYZZZZ!!!!!!!!! I finally got 400 points, and it was my third try. Third time's a charm. And now that I think about it, y'know that makes a lot of sense. If you ever heard about when my voice teacher guessed my age, which is here, it took him three tries to get my age right. Back to my mind-controlling digital pet: whoa. His Kindness points have just shot up. They're at 80 points now instead of 49. I speculate that's from winning the game. Sweet. Let's hope I can get the money for the guitar... I've always wanted to learn the guitar.

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :) .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

And, oh my! I just realized that, as I was on TamaTown for the past half hour, I have been neglecting poor Vera! Poor thing. I'm just gonna play JUMP with her for a sec. I jumped over 15 hurdles.. not bad. Back to Edwin. It took a while to enter all the passwords, I don't remember it being so tedious. Anyway he's down three pounds to 38 lbs now... so a little of a ways there! Even though, I did pick up like 2500 points in Tamatown and now have enough ohmygod I have enough?! I should probably wait so I have net profit from today so I can actually donate to the king. Because I wouldn't steal, Edwin's too nice! He has 88 Kindness points.

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :lol: .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

Today my family went to the nearby Six Flags, and Vera and Edwin joined me. I didn't neglect them though they were easy to take care of in the lines. And besides they didn't need that much care. Anyway now, their training bars are filled, and they both are happy and healthy. I can't wait to see what they change into, but I think VERA will become a Mametchi.. yayz :D

So their stats are as follows:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 9 bars

Age: 2 lbs, Weight: 25 lbs, Name: VERA

Gender: Girl, Generation: 1


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 9 bars

Intellect: 78, Style: 50, Kindness: 138

Age: 2 yrs, Weight: 25 lbs, Name: EDWIN

Gender: Boy, Generation: 1

Points: 5018 points

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :lol: .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

At 5:50 PM last night Edwin changed into a Simasimatchi, and right now he's brushing his teeth. How cute :3. Vera hasn't changed into her adult form yet, but I really, really want her to be a Kuchipatchi if not a Mametchi. Oh and y'know what's kinda funny? I've still been connecting them and it says in Edwin's friend book or w/e there are 4 ♥'s!! But Vera only has 4 ☺'s... hahah if only you understood the weird as h-e-double-hockey-sticks symbolism of that to my life. (PM me if you wanna know..) Now I'm curious - if Vera and Edwin get married and make a boy and a girl, could they get married because they're on different Tamagotchis? Hahah digital pet incest. Oh god I don't know. And if they do will they have weird deformed babies? :D

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :D .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

At 5:50 PM last night, Vera changed into a Mametchi. Yay!! I knew she would, but not then. Apparently the V4's change a year earlier. So anyway I kept on connecting them, and, in short, Vera and Edwin are two little lovebirds. ;)

I've also chosen to get a few more by way of the world's biggest garage sale - eBay. I found that I could buy a total of four for $45, once I added in shipping. It'll blow most of the money I made picking strawberries, but it'll SO be worth it.

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have ;) .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

Last night I put all the codes into my v4, and, from my impatience, I used the love potion first and connected Vera and Edwin. They're married now, and had two girls! They're both so cute, blobbing right next to their parents. It's so sad that Vera and Edwin are leaving tonight at midnight.. D:

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :D .

Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin

I know it's a little late for me to be up (it's 12:10 AM here), but that's because I just watched Vera and Edwin leave. It was so sad, but in a beautiful sadness. When I was obsessed with these little guys when I was twelve, this was very common. I cried each night one would leave, but my mom said that that was a good thing. It's good because I've raised them well, and they'll be living a good life up on Tamagotchi planet, or, wherever the heck Tamagotchis go.

Now that I think about it, looking back to ten minutes ago, I remember the stuff where they leave happening much quicker. This time, they woke up, lights on, and just watched the baby for about five minutes. If you know me in real life, I'm very impatient no matter what other emotions may be. Then they just slowly elevated, so sad to leave their daughters. Oh! And did I mention I thought of names for my two new Lovelies: Aly (after no one other than MOI!) and Avery (IRL, Avery is my best guy friend, but it's a girl's name too.)

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have :) .

Love, MR. 13579, Aly, and Avery

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Hooray! My v2 and the two v3's came in the mail today (the v4.5 hasn't yet because it's coming all the way from California). That was the good part about the mail... I'm still freaking out because I don't wanna get my report card. I did fine, but I'm scared about science, English and History. I started up one of the v3's, the v2, the v1 and the v4.

Since I started them all up simultaneously, and with my 'Oh-My-God-I-Sorta-Actually-Have-Friends' freak attack, I forgot their genders, so I gave them names that could apply for both genders. I named the V1 (which turned out to be a girl) Alex, the V2 (which turned out to be a boy) Chris, the V3 (which also turned out to be a boy) Jordy (short for Jordan), and the V4 (which turned out to be a girl) Sam.

I don't remember taking care of four Tamagotchis (as babies) being so tedious. When they finally took their nap, I was like 'My thumbs hurt...'. But the good thing is they're toddlers now, so they don't need as much attention now.

Their stats are as follows (Wow, I just realized, this part's gonna be the longest!):

ALEX: Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥, Training: | , Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 11 lbs, Gender: girl Generation: 1

CHRIS: Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥, Training: | , Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 10 lbs, Gender: boy, Generation: 1, 255 Points

JORDY: Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥, Training: | , Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 10 lbs, Gender: boy, Generation: 1, 340 Points, ALI

SAM: Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥, Training: | , 7 Intellect points, 16 style points, 18 kindness points, Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 13 lbs, Gender: girl, Generation: 1, 1560 points, ALI

As I was writing this log, SAM got her first day at preschool and got to meet the nanny! I also fed all of them because they were hungry, and I played Dance with ALEX. Oh, and I just realized something again: If you list my Tamagotchis by their version, going from v1 to v4 in order, their names are in alphabetical order.

So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have ;) .

Love, MR. 13579, Alex, Chris, Jordy, and Sam


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