Kentucky Fried Cruelty


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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This is what's happeing at those chicken farms of KFC




TamaMumEdit: If you want to raise the awareness by all means suggest people visit Peta's website and view the info - but put it in your signature message.


Please don't post links to disturbing or inappropriate videos on this site - it's against the rules and your warning is not enough to stop ppl watching or to excuse you from breaking site rules :p

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Ugh, I dun wanna eat chicken ever again after seeing that, but....


You have to understand that PETA is a propaganda site directed tward easily impressionable children and adults who do not know to question their world.

PETA is an organization built on emotion lies and shameful self promotional tactics to further an adjenda I have not even figured out yet. Money being the bottom line for themselves I assume.

And yeah, now I'm hungry for chicken. ^_^

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I saw this a while ago.

Either way, I'm a vegetarian - whether PETA is exaggerating or not, the animals are not going to be in good conditions. The farmers are in it for the money, not the comfort of the chickens, or any animal for that matter.

Therefore I'm a vegetarian, and I encourage my parents to buy local milk and eggs, where I know that the animals are being treated humanely. ^_^

PETA has a way of making things seem worse than they are.

Personally, I never eat fast food, but that's just the way I choose to live my one and only life.

Instead if worrying about the chickens, worry about your own health. Boycott fast food. You can stand up for those without a voice, and get healthier in the process. ^_^

PETA gives a bad name to Vegetarians. I'm no Vegetarian, though. PETA's movements aren't even that good. They rely heavly on scare tatics, throw blood on people and even throw dead kittens and puppies into dumpsters. Most of the members aren't even vegan/vegetarian. Clearly, they just target place A, Place B and create slander and lies. They even created two rip off games off of Mario and Cooking Mama. The Cooking Mama game, PETA wanted the company to have Mama cook vegan dishes.

It's funny, PETA targets KFC, but no other Fried Chicken joint.

If you truly wanna support animals. Look into better support groups such as HUSU, WWF and many others. Steer Clear from PETA.

It's good I didn't see the video.

But I did bring Popeyes chicken home.

Personally, I beleive PETA uses scare tactics, and outrageous stunts because they certianly gain attention. Have you ever heard of IDA, PCRM or Vegan Outreach?

Probably not, you have to go on a hunt to find them. PETA gets the word out there by being different.

That's why they are one of my favorite Animal Rights(AR) organizations.

Now don't get me wrong, Vegan Outreach, PCRM(Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) and IDA(In Defense of Animals) are GREAT organizations, they just don't put themselves out there enough, which is what PETA is fearless enough to do.

The conditions for farmed animals are horrid, but PETA, one must remember, is only one of MANY organizations.

Personally, I'm a vegan, and I plan to stay that way for the rest of my life. I also make sure my Tamagotchis eat vegan too, because it would be hypocritical for my tamagotchis to eat such things too.

I'd go more in depth but some of the things that go on in factory farming but they would be pretty innapropiate.

But you also have to remember the site, PETA Kills Animals, has no actual PROOF. I can almost gaurentee(sp?) you that it was made by some meat eating obsesser, with an unnatrual hate for AR, perhaps a company that relies on the death of animals for profit *coughs*chicken or beef company*coughs*.

Also, PETA admitted to euthanizing animals, animals that were on the brink of death/suffering immensely. They did a blog entry on it. It had some really horrifying pics of some dogs the rescued. I couldn't imagine forcing a dog to live when they were as bad off as the ones they showed. The most humane option would definently be euthanization in my opinion. You'd have to go to PETA's official site to look at them, I will not link to it because the images are so haunting, and it would give a grown man nightmares, not to mention it's prolly agains TT's rules.

All I can say is everyone shouldn't shun an organization just because of their first look. Do some reasearch, do some thinking. Look at both perspectives. I used to be anti-PETA too.

I never ate at KFC, and i'm not much of a fast food person anyway. But I'm sure PETA was over-exaggerating anyway.


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