Typing on the internet


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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I just was thinking about how people type on the internet. For example: haha lol u r so funny dude!

It annoys me when people do that but I do understand that you dont HAVE to type properly when your playing, its not like a grammar test. =P

But the one way that I hate the most is when People Type Like This.

Does Anyone Else Find This Hard To Read?

It's Even Hard To Type Like This Too!

I Don't Like it When people Type capitals and Non capitals in One Sentence. P: Or lIkE ThIS <333333. xD

I use grammar. I goof around sometimes and will say "omglol" just for fun. But I... use it. xD I find it so annoying when people don't even try.

If you ever see me say something that's not correct, it's a typo and I didn't catch it. ;3

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Yeah, and if you type like dis it sounds like ur an uneducated person irl. I was on a chat board a few weeks ago and I saw the someone posted something that made me laugh.


And it's true! At least for me it is, very strange.

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it annoys me. although i don't use capital letters when i type on the internet, i don't text talk all the time. at least not like i did a year ago.

I only txt talk when I'm talking to my friends on facebook. But it does annoy me when people use it so much that you can't understand them. lke whn ppl r lke tis al the tme

Yeah, that bugs me.

Yeah, and if you type like dis it sounds like ur an uneducated person irl. I was on a chat board a few weeks ago and I saw the someone posted something that made me laugh.ISN'T IT FUNNY HOW YOUR BRAIN THINKS IM YELLING RIGHT NOW?

And it's true! At least for me it is, very strange.
Hahah, YES. xD

But then you can very easily type something that was meant as a joke and you could offend. It can be complicated. But that's why we all use emoticons, right? :D

Grammar is your friend, in my opinion. <3

Like, I hate when "ppl tlk liek dis" or "OmG HiIiiii gaiiiiiiZZzzz!!!"

I don't see why people can't type out their words. x3 Does it really take that much longer?

Oh And People Who Capitalize Every Word Make Things Sound Like A Movie Title.


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I don't care if people don't use a lot of grammar, or don't capitalize anything, but when they start goin lik dis all da tim, that's just going overboard and it's annoying. WHY go out of your way to spell things wrong?

Two other things I hate even more, are Capitalizing Every First Letter (hard to read like other people said), and adddiing ttoo maanyy letteerrss likee thiis iiin eeverryy worrdd. Whoever thought of doing that must be insane

^ LEET! I hate that too. It's stupid. Ridiculous.

i hte wen ppl typ lyk dis. sum of ma bffls d0 dat doh. \:

aNd ThIs JuSt CoUlDn'T gEt AnY mOrE aNnOyInG.


When people don't use at least a little bit of grammar and common sense when they type, I can't take them or what they say seriously. It doesn't make people look cool, and being too lazy to type out your words is a pathetic excuse. It makes people look illiterate and completely incompetent.

I don't care if they're quoting something from a philosopher, have an amazing grade in English or are in all honors classes. If they type like an idiot, they'll be treated and thought of as one.

They don't teach English is school for people to say, "lulzscrewit". They teach it to be used in and outside of the classroom.

^ I have to agree with SK up there. If a person doesn't bother using a small ounce of energy to type a single letter/word/whateveritmaybe, then they don't deserve to learn the language in the first place. That's just me though. Typing Like This With Capitals In Every Word Looks Odd, but at least it's better than whn u tip lke ths. And regarding the L33t...I happen to use it [moderately] in some RPs to censor cusses. Other than that I type with what I consider perfect literacy. x3

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I only "txt talk" while texting, IMing, or if I'm in a rush. It gets kinda annoying once someone keeps doing it.

I use proper grammar out of habit. I suppose that's one good habit I've been blessed with. :)

I agree with some here.. When people begin every word with a capital letter, it gets on my nerves.

Certain girls on Facebook seem to think it's perfectly fine to add unnecessary double letters onto everything. One in particular is horrible about this. I cringe every time I see a status of hers, which is usually something along the lines of, "Hangingg with Maddiee Tonightt:)"

Does this drive anybody else insane, or am I the only one?

I use proper grammar out of habit. I suppose that's one good habit I've been blessed with. :)I agree with some here.. When people begin every word with a capital letter, it gets on my nerves.

Certain girls on Facebook seem to think it's perfectly fine to add unnecessary double letters onto everything. One in particular is horrible about this. I cringe every time I see a status of hers, which is usually something along the lines of, "Hangingg with Maddiee Tonightt:)"

Does this drive anybody else insane, or am I the only one?
I know! Same here.. I'm used to using proper grammar out of habit too. :angry: And it really annoys me when someone doesn't use proper grammar or if they don't use apostrophes online... for ex, someone says, "your so cool." or something like that.

It's supposed to be "you're" in a sentence like that, not "your"! >.<

And I also agree with some about the Every Word Begins With A Capital Habit Some People Have.

Is writing like that really necessary..? :\

If I'm trying to emphasize something I'll do a ; "Hey! Nothinggg." Kind of thing, just to make it sound more accurate. Like I'm whining. xD

But other than that, I hate when people add random x's. Wtf is that?

I put random x's in places sometimes. D:

I don't know why; it's just a bit of a habit I guess.

It aggravates me when people call their friends like, ''hunii'' and ''babee''.

Why can't people just call their friends by their names or nicknames..?

Or maybe it's just me. xD

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