Wheres the most ramdom place you ever lost a Tama?


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
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The title say's it all!!!

I once found my tama IN MY REFRIGERATOR!!! :( :( :D What can I say, I was getting some water and it was the perfect place to set it! And... yea I guess I forgot to pick it back up again! I found it 5 minutes later after going nuts looking for it!!!

Well how about you?!?


I think the most random place was a pencil box inside one of my dresser drawers xD

I once left my Uratama in the truck. I went crazy looking all over for it, practically took the house apart, and found it in the truck when I went to the store.

^ That has happened to me, i sometimes wear the key rings like rings, then i'm like "where's my tama...? Oh...."

Oh gosh. A long long time ago when I had my first tama I was outside (Yes, for sure you can see where this is going). And I left it outside. Dx I remember I was probably 10 and I was getting uber upset and couldn't find it. When I did, it was alright. The screen was a little foggy but I brought it inside to the warmth. :) It was autumn, I believe.

mine was in an old backpack in a dresser drawr tangled up with my ipod i couldnt find my ipod either

Once I threw my Tamagotchi v2 to the bottom of my closet. You know when the battery dies and you leave it there and it continues the beebing sound? It annoyed me and it wouldn't stop so I just threw it, it hit back of the closet and fell down (Lol, I was so cruel to it. But I didn't care a lot back then...). And left it there. A year passed and I started getting interested in Tamagotchis again. Well, I didn't remember where my v2 was so I started looking for it EVERYWHERE! Didn't find it until I took somethings off the closet once. Then I was like "What is my v2 doing here?!... Oh wait..." XD

When I was something like 8 years old, my mom didn't no that I have a tama. That is why I always hid it, usually in some really weird places. And I never remembered, where did I put it... :huh: Once, when I came home from school, I though that I had dropped it in my way from school to home. I tried to look for it, but I didn't find it. When I came home, I found it under my blankets in my bed....... :angry:

I've found mine in all sorts of places. My hoodie pockets, the bathroom, kitchen cabnants, i even left it in the bunny cage the other night. i was like " where did i.... O_O oh..." and they didn't even notice it XD which is a good thing.

Okay, my couch has 3 seats, and things can fall in between them, so, when I sat it on the couch, it must have fell in between, for I looked all over the house, and it was nowhere to be found. Then I was like, where was the last place I set it? Then I remembered the couch, and I looked under one of the reclining sides, and I found it!

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