Weight and Matchmaker


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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2009
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:) So, my 5 year old 4.5 tamagotchi weighed a massive 99lb, so I helped it lose weight and now it's about 42lb. Is that too much, not enough? Please could somebody tell me the average weight for a tamagotchi?? Thanks x

And, Like I said my tamagotchi is 5 years old with a job, but, when will matchmaker come? soon? And, will it make a sound?I don't want to miss it.

--off topic, but, how is a good way to clean a dusty, fluffy kinda scratchy screen without taking it apart? thanks x --


Oh, and I paused it for a long time, so i don't know whether it's adult or not. Is it adult? 5 years old, job and it's look is like two ears, really fluffy body and wings, what breed is it?

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A good average amount of weight is as low you can get it until your tama doesn't play games anymore. I think 42 lbs. is a little to much. To your second question, the matchmaker comes around 6yrs. and it will beep when it comes. To your fourth question, (don't know third) from your description it sounds like a mimitchi. Hope this helps!

5 years is the age when matchmaker will start coming.

Put the clock 2:59, then wait one minute, matchmaker should appear with a beep sound.

A 5 year old tama is sure an adult, on the description you gave I think it got to be ura togetchi.

And oh, the healthy adult weight (the weight it will stop playing at) is 30-32 lbs.

Hope I helped!! :D

Um... I have a v4.5 too and the matchmaker comes at age 6. Your tama sounds like an UraTogetchi if it is a boy. :D I don't know about girls. It should age if you don't pause it for a whole day. (remember when you pause it it slows down the aging process) You can pause it but not for a day and if you leave it unpaused at night it should age. :D :D :D :D

thankyou SO much! You really really helped!! The matchmaker came and i had a sweet baby boy! Yes, Framie4, it is a boy so it is probably that breed. THAAANKYOU SO MUCH! :)

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