I hate everything about school.


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Aug 14, 2009
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EVERYTHING. I got a locker that STICKS every time you open it, and you have to yank really hard and also make sure no teachers are around because otherwise they give you a detention for messing around in the halls. And every locker is taken in our grade, because there's so many students., so I can't move.

I HATE ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE AT SCHOOL. Except for a select handful of people who are my friends, and a few more people I really don't know very well, I absolutely hate everyone else.

Some of you might think I'm being too judgmental, well listen to this:

I was walking into the public pool for our town this summer and this girl like jumps out from behind a bush and screams in my face "HEY BEST BUDDY MICHAELA!!" Everyone nearby turns and stares. "GIMME A HUG, BESTEST BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!" She hugs me. Her friends nearby are laughing at me. I push her away and try to keep walking and this guy walks up behind me and starts making thrusting movements behind me. He's not actually touching me, it's just like air movements. We're at the pool so there's no teachers/adults to run to (like a coward). They laugh some more and this one other girl starts yanking on my hair, yelling "OHMAIGOSH your hair is soooo cute you have to do it for meee!!!" I've managed to edge myself towards the pool and jump in, and stay underwater until they leave.

And now I'm forced to go to school and look at them every day. They don't bother me cause of teachers, but I still have to look at and occasionally associate with them, and they're always like "PSST! PSST!" to the person on the other side of me even though they're RIGHT THERE.

What everyone who knows me would expect me to do is turn right around and stab them in the face with a knife, but when they do that stuff to me, especially in groups, I forget how to be mean and angry and just sort of shut down. I stand there and take it and wait for them to finish.

And then I go cry and whine about it online.

I completely agree...we have it worse. First off, lockers. I have a locker on the bottom, so I have to crouch down really low to open it. The lockers always have at least 10 pieces of dry gum stuck to the walls and all the ones I got are extremely dusty. The lock barely ever opens, not that I would have the time either way. We only have 3-minute period breaks; I can barely get to my class on time normally. Now, I just lug around a heavy rolling backpack because the other one nearly broke my back and teachers always complain about the rolling even though it's allowed. What's the point of lockers anyways? At the end of the year, we have to get rid of all the decorations and some other kid has a shiny, new locker. Not that I ever use mine, so some poor sucker gets my crummy locker.

To be blunt about it, everyone at my school is a @#$%^. They're all stuck-up snobs with the exception of the only sane people. Those people, unsurprisingly, are my friends. Not to mention that 90% of all my classes is made up of Persians, not to be racist in any way. They ALL are in some giant posse and suddenly we're the loners. How does that even become possible?

Oh yeah, I've got a few stories-

Kenneth, my poorly behaved best friend, he's actually got the best behavior in the school, always gets me in giant trouble. It's like Drake & Josh all over again. One time I'm walking down the hall and Kenneth is listening to some bull$#*% music. I ask what he's listening to and he doesn't hear me. Eventually, it gets to the point where I'm screaming to finally get his attention. Detention [from my English teacher]. He says it's called Usher or something. Personally, I think music nowadays is horrible. Anyways, I ask if I can listen and he hands me the iPod so I could quickly hear it. Just as you'd suspect, another teacher walks down the hall, I don't know who he is, but he gives me another detention. Another time is when Kenneth and I were in history class, passing notes. Our teacher doesn't bother to look because the whole class does at least one thing wrong. Long story short, when I pass the note I'm the one that gets caught. DETENTION!!! Then, there's this time where our teacher was off his nut. He said that everyone who had a piece of gum in their mouth should leave the room and spit it out or he'll give them a detention. I was the only one who didn't get up because, well, I had no gum. Immediately, my teacher says, "Detention!" but I show him there's no gum in my mouth. He actually told me to lift my tongue because he thought I was hiding it underneath. Wait, there's more. I'm walking down the hall and, out of nowhere, Phillip jumps from who-knows-where and screams in my face. I literally freaked out and started screaming back, then he points and laughs. What, is he 4 grades behind?

My mom doesn't believe that I'm sick anymore because of how many times I faked it. One time, I actually did throw up, and she thought I had gag reflex and used it to skip a test. She was like, "Uuuugh, fine. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

I still can't believe that I'm at the highest rated school. It's like I'm in the Ghetto, whatever that means.

One more thing, all the eighth graders are pervs. I was walking to get my saxophone when some eighth graders walked by. I didn't catch everything they said, but I heard one of them say, "I'm totally going to (?# in her mouth one day." The teacher was right there!

*I'm sorry if anything in this post seemed offensive or inappropriate. I cannot stress enough how bad my school is, and this only counted off the first couple of weeks of school last year. If you think this post should be removed, PM me. I will delete it

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This might sound preachy and arrogant coming from me, but don't accept people's snide comments with a straight face.

As a person, you deserve to be treated with respect, but no one will give you that respect if you won't learn to respect yourself first.

"Stabbing them in the face" won't help you make friends, or any better than they are.

But what you can do is stand straight and tall, and let them know that you're not someone who can stand by and be messed with.

You do have friends - they may be few, but have them stick close to you and be happy there's someone who cares.

Friends who know of your situation will support you, and help you make it through hard times.

They'll be a source of comfort and offer you a shoulder to cry on. :)

Friends who don't do as such are there for their own benefit, not your well being.

I suggest you hug it out and cry your tears, because life moves on, and surely, you will, too. :)

' date='+August 23, 2010 02:51 am'] This might sound preachy and arrogant coming from me, but don't accept people's snide comments with a straight face. As a person, you deserve to be treated with respect, but no one will give you that respect if you won't learn to respect yourself first.

"Stabbing them in the face" won't help you make friends, or any better than they are.

But what you can do is stand straight and tall, and let them know that you're not someone who can stand by and be messed with.

You do have friends - they may be few, but have them stick close to you and be happy there's someone who cares.

Friends who know of your situation will support you, and help you make it through hard times.

They'll be a source of comfort and offer you a shoulder to cry on. :)

Friends who don't do as such are there for their own benefit, not your well being.

I suggest you hug it out and cry your tears, because life moves on, and surely, you will, too. :)
Aw, come on. No constructive criticism for my post? Mine's longer >_> .

All of you who are saying that school sucks, well you'll just have to make the best of it. The school year only just started (for you guys, i'm guessing? I'm not back in school yet) so although your first impression of the school year wasn't great, you'll live through it. There may be some annoying people in your school, but you still have your friends, so who cares? Forget about all the other people, just ignore them. I know teachers can be awful, I've had a handful of reeealy awful ones in middle school. Just figure out what they expect from you and you'll have a better chance of staying out of detention. Trust me, you can get through it. No matter how bad things might seem, it'll eventually get better. And High School is a lot better, I'll tell you that much.

Ahh.. The I-Hate-Everything-In-School-And-People-Around-Me-Phase. Just know this is just a period and time of your life what you will have to go through, and so does everyone else. It'll be gone and over with as soon as you know it. And trust me, things can be worse. I know you probably hate what I'm saying, but now to take the advantage of this. In the meantime, this can make you stronger, and more immune to rough things in life. Don't worry, this time in your life won't be forever.

With all the dirt you have, try to make a garden.

All of you who are saying that school sucks, well you'll just have to make the best of it. The school year only just started (for you guys, i'm guessing? I'm not back in school yet) so although your first impression of the school year wasn't great, you'll live through it. There may be some annoying people in your school, but you still have your friends, so who cares? Forget about all the other people, just ignore them. I know teachers can be awful, I've had a handful of reeealy awful ones in middle school. Just figure out what they expect from you and you'll have a better chance of staying out of detention. Trust me, you can get through it. No matter how bad things might seem, it'll eventually get better. And High School is a lot better, I'll tell you that much.
School doesn't start for me until September 13 :kusatchi: .

Thanks everyone. Getting over it/ignoring it is difficult when two of the twits, four classes straight, spend the whole time going "Psst! Psst! Psst! Psst!" at each other when you're trying to do your work, sitting in between them. And no, the teacher will not change seats.

Yeah I have friends, but NONE are in any of my classes. Zero. At all.

I'm just sick of everyone going around like a happy giggly Aeropostale zombie that bites anyone who doesn't act the same.

I hate school aswell. These are all the things I hate about it. Beware, long list.

1.There's no lockers, so I have to carry my bag over the place. It's annoying. Especially when I have to carry a load of stuff. Nowhere to put the bag, exepct for the dirty floor.

2.People at school. If your not friends with them they may make fun of you. You can get teased for something stupid, like being ugly or even being yourself, if your not cool enough. Once you get teased at school, thats it. You will get teased at school for the rest of your life, until they pick on someone else, terrible innit?

3. I have loads of friends, but they aren't in my class. That makes people make fun of me for being a loner when I'm not.

4.A bad school expereince was my 2nd day. There were loads of pupils getting lost, and of course, the teachers had nothing to do except shrug it off when they were late. For the first week anyway. But, on PE day, I obviously came like 10 minutes late and got very late. I was in Year 7, so obviously very young and got upset while I was lost. That was nothing compared to the hurtness I receieved later. When I finally got there, the teacher asked me why I was late, so I explained I was lost. But the teacher just ticked me off, and said to come back at breaktime. 5 minute detention, for getting lost on the first week. I wouldn't give my evil teachers the joy of seeing me upset, so I decided to be brave all lesson, even though I didn't feel safe during the whole lesson. Another thing I noticed was another group of kids did something to earn themselfs a detention, but they got 2 minute detention. I couldn't help noticing that. The teacher had everything against me and I felt awful during the lesson. I was trying at first to impress my teacher, but after a while, I gave up. She can't be impressed. Full stop. At the end, she said as I was good for the lesson (what, it's not like I wasn't good the beginning of the lesson, eh?) I was let off the detention.

I remember one of the teacher saying, if any students were late first week, they'd get off. Ha, what a lie. If the teacher said that to me nowdays, as I'm braver I'd answer back, and bunk off. The detention I mean, but if it happened again, I'd feel tempted to bunk the whole lesson. Rant over about the teachers.

5.It's the most unhygienic place you can step in. Chewing gum everywhere, once the loo's were blocked, and weren't cleaned. Yes, that meant the whole loo's stank of mould for a while, but I won't go into that. Theres nowhere to put your bags in the toilet, except the floor.

6.I have to wake up really early, I'm tired most of the time, have to catch the stupid stressful bus which never comes at the right time. Either early, and I have to rush to catch it but I bus is faster than me, or really late and I'm standing there waiting ages. Then I have to do 6 lessons, none a really like, then get home, on the stressful bus where people are throwing paper, gum and drinks over the place, and being home buckets of hard homework.

Sorry for my rant. I had to get it out.

Everyone feels the same way.

There's always some little immature kids who like to push around others to look coolios in front on their friends.

Everyone feels the same way.There's always some little immature kids who like to push around others to look coolios in front on their friends.
Immature kids indeed. 3:

I say be nice to them, even if they're not nice back. It's called growing up.

You won't get along with everyone in life, but that's what growing up is all about - learning to accept people's differences and treat them equally.

Depending on how you look at it, you'll also attract people who'll be more willing to be your friend. :)

It's too bad that all your friends are in different classes, but who's to say you can't make new ones in yours?

Find a kid who's nice, and get to know them ! :)

This is pretty just well "wow". I never have any of this stuff in my school.

Well... maybe.

1. We don't have lockers, we have a cloakroom.

2. Yes, I do have weird friends. I am friends with girls and boys, so I often take sides. It's not pretty.

3. I have lots of friends. I don't know why. Maybe it's just me.

4. I have only gotten detention once. I saw that a window was broken, so I picked up the glass. I got detention for nothing, really. It was even weirder because none of us (my 2 other friends joined me) had gotten hurt.

5. It is dirty. The bathrooms are littered with unidentifiable liquids and paper. The halls are usually clean, but every day there is a stepped on orange, or broken ornaments...

6. I walk to school. No buses.

7. Bikes are not allowed. It's too bad, because I would love to bike to school.

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