What do you want be when you leave school?


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Oct 17, 2009
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At Krystal's house (duh! I'm her famil
I'm just curious to see what everyone's job choices are. I've basically got the start of my life outside of school planned.

1. Travel

2. Get a Singapore Permanent Residency

3. Become a pilot for Singapore Airlines (The SPR is because I'm Australian, but I don't trust my country's airline)

4. After 2 years, get a Singapore Citizenship

So, I want to be a pilot. What about you?

1. Go to university. I'm only going for english literature so, do you call that an undergraduate? I might go for journalism too, I want to be a writer period.

2. Get a job that pays well.

3. Get my own place (Dreams about it x_x)

I'm kind of a simpleton.

Go to a university for a doctor's degree in criminal psychology

I'd like to leave the country and study in Germany ! That's like my dream place. :]

So, I'm going to university. Probably... I think? :eek: Well, I want to. :'3

I still honestly haven't decided what I want to get a job in, because I change my interests all the time.

But, something like a diplomat sounds cool. 8D

I've been thinking about my future a lot lately. I'm taking my SAT soon, and I already have my list of colleges that I'll be applying to this spring/next fall.

I'm debating between going into nursing or an accelerated 5-year Physician's Assistant master's program. There are pros and cons to both... nursing might be the better option, because I want to get married in college and start a family soon after, and there are a ton of options for career advancement later in life - like becoming an NP or a CRNA. Physician's Assistants make more money right off the bat, but the 5-year accelerated program is intense - my undergraduate studies would be done in three years rather than four, and then I'd have two years of full time clinical studies. Accelerated PA programs are also harder to get into and there are a lot less colleges in my area who have a program like that. Both jobs have a great employment growth outlook though, and Pittsburgh is full of top-of-the-line hospitals so getting a job shouldn't be an issue. So obviously I want to go into the Health Sciences and help people in a hospital setting, though I'm not entirely sure of the specifics yet :)

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I honestly don't know what I want to do. It makes me jealous that all of you have everything planned out and your future is as clear as day. I'm so lost.

For a while I was going to be a photographer. Can't do that, because how can you survive taking pictures for a living if everyone has a camera?

Then I thought journalism. That's a dying field, with the internet and all.

Psychology, well that would be cool. Except that's a doctor. Being a doctor isn't cheap.

So now I plan on moving to Paris and living on the streets.

I've been thinking about my future a lot lately. I'm taking my SAT soon, and I already have my list of colleges that I'll be applying to this spring/next fall.

I'm debating between going into nursing or an accelerated 5-year Physician's Assistant master's program. There are pros and cons to both... nursing might be the better option, because I want to get married in college and start a family soon after, and there are a ton of options for career advancement later in life - like becoming an NP or a CRNA. Physician's Assistants make more money right off the bat, but the 5-year accelerated program is intense - my undergraduate studies would be done in three years rather than four, and then I'd have two years of full time clinical studies. Accelerated PA programs are also harder to get into and there are a lot less colleges in my area who have a program like that. Both jobs have a great employment growth outlook though, and Pittsburgh is full of top-of-the-line hospitals so getting a job shouldn't be an issue. So obviously I want to go into the Health Sciences and help people in a hospital setting, though I'm not entirely sure of the specifics yet :)
I went through a very similar thought process as I was finishing up my first Bachelor's degree in Human Biology last year! I originally went through university with the intention of going to medical school, but that changed toward the end for a variety of reasons. I decided to apply for PA programs offering Master's degrees and to accelerated Bachelor's degree of nursing programs (these programs are geared toward people who already have a Bachelor's degree...most of them allow students to earn their BSN in 2 or 3 years). I eventually chose nursing and am in an accelerated program right now! I'll have 2 Bachelor's degrees at the end of this. :D I ultimately would like to get a Master's in nursing and become a nurse practitioner. When all is said and done, I too would like to be in a hospital setting, diagnosing and treating my own patients as a physician would, which I could certainly do as an NP. I'm not sure what I'd like to specialize in at the moment.

It all depends on your philosophy, your goals, etc. when you're trying to figure out which one you want, because when it all boils down, NPs and PAs pretty much do the same sort of things, have comparable salaries and job opportunities, etc. I'm like you: I would love to get married and have a family relatively early (though not as early as you're thinking...I was thinking mid-20s...there's no way I'm getting married and having a family while I'm in school!), and nursing is a good option to consider for that. I don't really remember what the PA work schedule is like but from what I remember, nurses have more flexibility. Nursing also takes a more holistic approach on the body and puts quite some emphasis on preventative medicine, things which I endorse, so that's why I leaned toward nursing. Before I graduated from university for the first time, I started shadowing both NPs and PAs and began volunteering at a local hospital, where I work with a lot of RNs (I still volunteer here). I highly recommend doing this if you have the chance because you can read all about PAs and NPs but it's really something to go out there and actually see what each professional does. Good luck!

As for my other plans not involving my career, I really would love to travel across the country with my boyfriend once I finish grad school. I want to see all my relatives I haven't seen in a while. I also dream of backpacking across Europe. :) You know, do things that people do after they get out of school and before they settle down to get married or have a family.

I am still half and half. I used to want to be a Vet. I had done since I was 3 but now I've decided on what I'm going to do depending on my exam results(I don't have to worry that much about them until Year 10..only 2 years though) so I have 2 paths that I could take:

Path 1:

1. Go to University and take science and animal care etc.

2. Get all neccessary qualifications required in becoming a vet.

(I sort of planned the next 2 based on what I wanted to do more than what job I wanted)

3. Be a small animal vet to save up some money.

4. Then travel to Borneo and work with Orangutans.

Or Path 2:

Become a Muscician/Music teacher.

I don't quite know what I need to do to become a Musician/Music Teacher but that is also kind of what I want to do.

The 1st Path is more exciting but is also harder to achieve. The 2nd path is not as exciting but is easier to achieve.

They are both what I love doing though. Playing Music and working with animals so I haven't decided.

In my dream world, I would want to become an actress. But, in reality, with the way this economy is- I should get a degree in something more practical. I would love to be an agent or a PR manager for celebs or big companies, because I'm a really good speaker, and persuasive essays are my favorite thing to write. So I could possibly go to college for business management. Like I said, though, I'm not sure.

I have a couple of ideas. After high school, I'm going to college. Period.

My mom wants me to go to UT Austin, because it's instate and a good school. I'm going to apply there because she wants me to but it's really not my first choice school.

Ideally, I would like to go to Boston. BU has a great communications program and doing Journalism there would be amazing. They have lots of overseas internships as well which all sounds amazing.

I'm also looking into Emerson which is basically dedicated to the arts. I'd love to go there and double major in screenwriting (<3) and journalism. I definitely want to do either broadcast or convergence journalism. Preferably the latter, as it's up and coming and I just love online journalism. Love it.

My dream film school is definitely Chapman University in California. Expensive, but it's be amazing.

Mizzou is my safe school. Not only can I get in there with a decent SAT score (I'm at the mid 2000s right now, so based on that, I've already met their CR and M requirements) and with my current GPA and class rank etc. but they also have an amazing J-School.

I used to want to be something in business. But I job-shadowed my mom (who's a physician) with my friend recently and I really like the idea of becoming a physician:D But tbh I'm pretty lazy when it comes to schoolwork, even though I get good grades, and I'm kind of a procrastinator.. and science isn't really my best subject either. So I feel like I would not do well at all in med school S:

Something like a pediatric psychiatrist, or a sports injury therapist would be really great too :) but I don't know... I still have a couple of years to figure it out.

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I'm thinking music is the only field that i'm really considering at this point for a career. It's the only thing i'm really involved in at school that i'm not forced to be doing, like core subjects. It would be really cool to play in a band for Broadway plays or something like that. If not music, graphic design has crossed my mind a few times. I love playing video games, so I might be able to design them. That would also be cool.

I literally have no idea what I'm going to do when I'm out of school, which could be a big problem in two or three years... oh well, we'll see I guess. There's a lot of careers I've considered, but nothing I'm really passionate about.

I am going to go to my local community college. They have a great nursing program there where I can earn get my RN in just two years. ^.^ Then I can get a job at the hospital and work for a while, save up my money, and then bridge for my masters in either nursing or physical therapy.

Here in Finland you first have to go through Elementary school and Middle school, then you can choose between High school and Educational school. The difference is, that in Educational school you get a job right away, but you have to keep studying after High school. Just a little explanation so you will get it :'D

It's my last year in Middle school (9th grade) and after this, I've decided to go to High school. I want to become Psychologist :3 Specialized in teenagers! (My mind might still change though)

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