IDeal log


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2010
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America, California, SanJose, ....
Why Hello!

This is the log starring an ID, a v4.5 and a Music star!

It shall be split into sections! ID first MS second and v4.5 last.

Tamagotchi ID

Well right now my little baby is a Memetchi!

So cute is all I have to say, She woke up today and went back to sleep

because I have school and I took her with me. During Recess and Lunch I pulled

her out to play with her, feed her and bathe her. Her name is HoshiKona, That

means StarKona. Because she was my little star when she was born. She

has her TaMaToMo letters and her stamp and I might just get her married tomorrow.

On to MS!

Music Star

Well It has been going through a glitchy stage for about a week and it wouldn't work.

Like I would put in the batteries and it wouldn't turn on, But today I twisted the battery and it worked!

Sadly I had to reset my 3rd Gen. Hinotamatchi because it was glitching still. But now it's a baby girl!

Her name is Hoshi or Star. She is playing with her little dress and she will evolve into a Hitodetchi.

I am aiming for a Memetchi, lets hope I get one! On to v4.5!

Tamagotchi v4.5

Ura-YoungMemetchiness! She is so cute! She will be getting married to my v3 my sis is borrowing.

They are both Teens and she is going to be a UraMemetchi! Cute! She woke up and ate piles of food.

The reason for that is I didn't want her to die so I figured Food=Life! She is sleeping along with

Her sisters. Well as I was typing Hoshi evolved into a Tamatchi, Cute but not my aim. Well I am going

to go so...Have a nice night!

Yay! I finished my project on Continental drift and Alfred Lothar Wegener!

It took 3 hours but I did it! Well I might as well get on to the good stuff!

Tamagotchi ID

Well today, much like yesterday she woke up and I played a game or two with her

and put her straight back to sleep. The game I played was Lovelin stage dash or something.

It's a game I downloaded. After school I hung out with my friends for half a hour or so and

checked on them. They were all awake and hungry. I fed her and went home. When I got home

I re-read my log and thought 'Well hey, I have her stamp, so lets get you married!' So as you

can probably guess she got married. She got married with Black the KuroMametchi. They went to

the park, went to the local rose garden and went to a smoothie shop. There Kona gave him a

present and it was a 6 pack of his favorite juice that you can only get at the store during

the holidays.Well they had a boy and she played with him and tucked him in before she left.

He woke up and cried, I fed him and what not. He evolved into a Mattarotchi and his name is

Shima or Stripe. On to MS!

Tamagotchi Music Star

Well not much happened. I woke up to her being a sleep and a couple minutes later she was awake.

I played a game with her and fed her. She pooed in the corner and I cleaned it. Oh! Well today

her stress got up to 50%! I lowered it by playing games, making her play with her toy and

praising her. She is asleep right now and what not. On to v4.5!

Tamagotchi v4.5

Today Breez flew around her screen and all that. She woke up, ate, played a game or two and flew around more.

She was un-paused like Hoshi today at school, she was next to 4 poos and she was sick when I got home, Oh no!

I felt so bad I took her to TamaTown and played with her there.Well I am done here, until tomorrow! Happy Holidays!

OMG I am so sorry! I have been really addicted to my Digimon world:Dusk game!

So I will be adding it to the log! Well here yall go!

Tamagotchi ID

Well a lot has gone on with him!

His evolutionary chart went like this:

Pachikutchi -> Mattarotchi -> Kilalatchi -> Kuromametchi!

EEK! I was aiming for this little guy! Oh and over the week I didn't post,

Shima went to his grandparents a lot and met his grandpa... A LOT! He ended

up having 20,437 pts! I bought everything from the accessories shop and remodeled his house.

Now he lives in the gingerbread house in the spirit of Christmas! I had money left

yesterday so I gave him a lot of pizza and he changed into Christmas colors! And

since I have had him for so long he got all of his Tamatomo letters! Right now he is asleep,

happy as can be, a little rich man he is. Moving on!

Tamagotchi MS

Nothing really happened, she is a sebeiritchi, awe.

Tamagotchi v4.5

Nothing really happened, She is a Purimatchi,cute.

Digimon world:Dusk

Okay here is what happened:

Found the game

Restarted and chose a boy, named him Crest.

Chose out of the 4-5 groups beauty group which contains: Lillymon, Pandamon and Lunamon.

Named them: Lilliana, Panda and Crescent.

A bad guy came to the city and turned everyone back into eggs, except mine, they turned into rookies.

~~Time passes~~

Does a lot of quests and a day or two later I have many new digimon, my 3 are champions plus 2 others that I converted.

Right now they are: Togemon, Grizzlymon and Lekismon. and my favorite Gwappamon! he is separate from the three.

Well I will post more tomorrow, and I will be ,much more clear.


I haven't posted since December 20th last year XD!

Well I have my birthday and I am now 13, but on my birthday I got a lot of 6 Tamas (v5, 2 v4, 3 v4,5)

I am now running my ID, my Hexagon and my v5. My ID is a Furawatchi, my Hexagon is a Nonbiritchi and my

v5 is in it's teen stage (Can't remember the names XL)

Cake ID

Today I woke up and saw she was her cute little Chuuchuutchi stage. We went to the park and met a young

dorotchi. They talked and then played on the monkey bar type things. She then took me to the Tama-Depa

where we bought then Hula-Hoop for her upcoming evolution. I took her to the donut shop where today

Mr.Holey had a Ichigo donut, Yum! She didn't get the Jumbo Cruller but she still had her happy face on!

As we were leaving she evolved and we went home. We played with the Hula hoop and she jumped her usual Tamatomo

joy and came inside. We then left for the new Cafe that opened up and got some Macaroons and again, did

her jump of loving Tamatomo joy. I then put her to sleep and left for school.

Sorry it's short but I have to get to bed, Big renaissance day tomorrow, Night!

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