Junk food XD


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Dec 17, 2010
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Junk food I like is Pie and fat cakes and other stuff like candy and pizza:33 All junk food is good ^.^


And sweet stuff <3

I'm not a fan of veges. But I love potatoes. And meat,

My favorites are Pringles, Hot Cheetos, Cheez-Its, and butter pecan ice cream. :D I try not to drink soda too much but my go-to soda is Sprite.

I love those chocolate pretzel snacks, and cookie dough:)

Fudge! I love that stuff!~ The only time Mom makes it is around Christmas time, though. (That could be a good thing or else everyone in the house would be tubby. :eek: )

I also like Cheez-Its, and those little Bliss chocolate thingies. And cookies. Delicious, home-baked cookies. *drool*

soda, cake, pie, chocolate, cookies... basically i love sweets a lot! but not so much candy, unless it's chocolate. I like baked stuff like cookies or cupcakes, and i also love pudding and ice cream and stuff. I like stuff like potato chips and whatnot, but i could do without them. Sweets are my weakness.

I like everything sweet and fatty. I try not to eat the stuff to often, Im fat as it is xD

Although it doesn't help that my grandpa owns a convinience store, and my parents own a restaurant (where I can eat anything I want). Honestly, it's true...

I drink too much soda and I love cookies and anything chocolate :D My parents actually have started referring to me as, "elf" because I have such a sweet tooth. (This is a reference to Elf the movie... the four main food groups are candy, candy corn, candy canes, and syrup). xD

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I love junk food. :)

Chips, candy, soda, little debbies, I'll pretty much eat anything.

If paired with something healthy, I don't really consider anything junk food. For example: a sandwich and chips isn't junk food... nor candy and an apple...pizza and milk, etc.

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