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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2010
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Land of Rain and Pine Trees (Washington)
I haven't seen any Homestuck threads on here so I figured I would set one up since I know there are some Homestuck fans here. (imboredandemotionaldontjudgeme)


For those who don't know, Homestuck is a web comic made by Andrew Hussie on MS Paint Adventures. Warning, it's kinda PG-13 just so you know. And confusing. so confusing


I guess we can discuss updates or just Homestuck in general. To kick us off, THAT FLASH UPDATE. tavros whyyyyyyy

IKR. *cries*

I've been looking at Homestuck for a while now (since last month, what a long time! /sarcasm)

It is slightly confusing. So much to read.

My sister and I are huge Homestuck fans.

My example: This Friday (Jan. 28th) I'll be cosplaying as CA. (Yes, I might share photos.)

My other example: This Monday (Jan. 24th) I am doing an oral presentation on Homestuck.

My sister's example: She made an awesome Homestuck board game.

So there you go.

I've been reading Homestuck since last year about... mid-summer? Been obsessed ever since. I ship everything and draw fanart and roleplay and <3


In April if I get some money I'll be going to Sakura-Con as fem!AT. I heard there were a bunch of guys from MSPAchan going so I'm going to creepyminor all over them. And take all the pictures, all of them.


But look, a new flash update! Eridan you are so silly and stupid. Stop being stupid Eridan. (CC/TA confirmed????)

Homestuck sucks.

It is the worst.




I started on October 12th, but didn't go serial until November 3rd. I would've caught up sooner if it wasn't for being sick and busy with stupid Thanksgiving dinners and birthdays and parents' anniversary.

I hate October.


On something unrelated, my Equius shirt is covered in cat hair. I refuse to get rid of the hair and nobody understand why and they refuse to listen to reason. )::::


[e] .......................

Well, now I might actually have a justifiable reason for loving Captor so in the near future. :|


[e2] I'm also never going to be able to look at the asexual flag the same way again.


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I got so angry at Eridan last night. >:c I was just freaking out.

I might change my mind about the 28th now.

Checked MSPA just now.

... :c

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CA: yes i am a killer

CA: scold me as much as you wwant

Tavros and Fef's death didn't really bother me that much.

Oh, but Kanaya?

At least Karkat and Sollux are alive... They better stay that way too.

At least Karkat and Sollux are alive... They better stay that way too.
Sollux is dead.

Oh thank god, he isn't dead. I really do wait until the last minute to check MSPA. :V

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"Don't turn your back on the body."


I am so excite F5F5F5F5F5F5F5


Also guys, would it be alright to post Homestuck fanart in this thread since it is technically related, because I have a bus load of it.


Actually not really, but it would be nice to have a place to upload the Homestuck stuff I will inevitably draw without clogging up my DA and figuring out how Tumblr works.

I love Homestuck so much. Just saying.

I absolutely ADORE this update.

Gamzee has just cracked and split!Gamzee is just... awesome.

BUT. As much as I am okay with deaths in Homestuck, if Gamzee dies before he can get some damage in, I'm going to be pretty mad because aaaah Gamzee needs some spotlight

I mean Vriska is known for it

Eridan just got some damage in

Gamzee deserves it

SPEAKING OF WHICH I LOVE ALL THREE OF THEM. Vriska is my queen, Eridan is the best, Gamzee is going to be amazing a-and aaaah

That's really nice fanart, Spades! I don't draw, I moreso write, and I have an Eridan/Gamzee fic in the middle of being written. It's my OTP, problem?

I'll share it if when finish it. owo

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Please don't kill Karkat. 8C

Also afflictedspades those are awesome, ffffff.

I can't wait to see just who Gamzee is going to kill. I really want to see split!Gamzee in action

it w0uld be a nice attempt t0 make my inner aradia amused 0_0 even th0ugh she has reached g0d tier she just may have em0ti0ns back

funny actually

im an aradia rper but i am actually a gemini s0 i sh0uld really be a s0llux 0_0

thanks for not making fun of my crappy art guys <3


Judging by the scratches we saw on New Year's, I think Nepeta's either going to take Gamzee down, or die fighting. 83 I'm cool either way, I never really payed much attention to them. MY WOOBIE WAIFU HAS ALREADY DIED. *tavroshuggle* Though if he kills his best bro Karkat I will be mad. >:c


And since there hasn't been an update all day, Andrew's probably working on a whole bunch of epic updates, or a flash. *wants a flash with Gaia Queen soooo bad* I also want to get back to Terezi, see what her reaction to the chocolate pancake in front of her was.

Gamzee's gonna haunt my nightmares now. :c

(drops on knees) Don't. Kill. Karkat. I. Beg. Of. You.

I really hope Karkat doesn't even get a single flippin' scratch. I've changed my mind. I'm being Karkat. This Friday.

Oh and today I said a speech about Homestuck now people are interested but I'm scared of what they'll think when they get to this point.

In other words, "What have I done?!"

Is it really weird I want to see Karkat get hurt?

I mean, after Prospit's destruction, I really want to see Karkat get hurt. Maybe not die, just hurt.

Hey, uh, guys! That fic I mentioned earlier today? I'm done! Here, read it underneath the spoiler. It's an AU where they're humans, bear with me?

I also fear it's a bit too short...

The funeral was a brief, solemn affair. The lady’s father got to say a few words but not many, and her mother wasn’t able to speak, due to crying too much. All the words Eridan Ampora caught were the typical words one says at a funeral - “Shame,” “tragedy,” “wonderful young woman,” “will be deeply missed”. Eridan was too angry, upset and frightened to listen to anything else. He stood next to his mother in the pews of the church, his head lowered and his fists clenched tight enough to make the boy feel his rings digging into his palms. Eridan could feel angry tears well up at the corner of his eyes, angry tears from the overall air in the church, the way everyone was like. He could feel that everyone in the church wanted to leave as soo as possible, and it made him mad that no one wanted to stay and wish Feferi a pleasant goodbye. But, could he blame them, for wanting to leave the church hall, where the funeral for a sixteen year old girl was being held? He knew only close family friends would stay behind - Eridan would make sure he’d be one of the few who stayed.

When the funeral ended, Eridan quickly left his mother’s side to go towards the open casket. He stopped in his tracks and just stared at her body; she was still lovely as ever, her beautiful body just as healthy looking as ever. It was almost as if Feferi was simply asleep rather than dead. Black curls were laid against cream toned silk, he hair framing her peaceful, gentle face. Eridan felt more tears well up from behind his glasses, and this time he removed his glasses to wipe at his eyes with his sleeve.

To him, she was a fun, silly, attractive girl, but to her, Eridan was simply the European exchange student she befriended. He liked her but she only saw their relationship as a girl and a boy that were friends. Instead of going for Eridan, Feferi opted to date Sollux Captor, which led Eridan to decide that he should make Sollux’s life a living hell for messing up Eridan’s love life. But it backfired, as it would usually do for him, due from the mix of Sollux’s mellow and smart aura, a girl named Vriska Serket who was the worst girl Eridan ever met, and his third period teacher - Mr. Diamonds - who teased him every time he walked into his class with his head held high. Mr. Diamonds had a student co-op teacher named Clubs Deuce who stopped the teacher from teasing him occasionally, but Deuce was just too scared and too meek to really stand up against Mr. Diamonds. And that just made Eridan’s life fantastic.

Eridan admitted that, when Kanaya came over to his house and told him that Feferi had gotten into a car crash and she had passed away in the hospital, he cried. Cried so hard, he forced Kanaya to stay until he was okay. And that took two hours. Two whole hours of crying and sobbing and clinging to his friend, and then the girl kindly spoke to him, and right when it seemed as if Eridan was ready to stop crying, he’d start again, screaming into Kanaya’s shoulders about how Feferi didn’t deserve to die.

Eridan took a deep breath, looking at Feferi’s corpse once again. He’d be okay. Say a few things to her so her soul can safely go over to the other side. When Eridan went back to his homeland, he’d tell his friends all about the lovely girl he met while visiting America, and her unfortunate death. All when he goes back to-

“Eridan.” Eridan was knocked from his thoughts at the sound of a familiar voice, and he gave a tight frown when he saw Gamzee step up beside him, giving him a small smile from his chapped lips.

“Gamzee, why are you here.”

“Saying some goodbyes to a fellow sister, what else?” Gamzee gave a big grin, making Eridan narrow his eyes and frown harder at the spiritualist.

“I’d imagine you’d be with Tavros or Equius,” Eridan stated, “Comforting Tavros or having Equius kissing up to you.”

Gamzee kept that grin. “Kissing up? Brother, Equius doesn’t kiss up. He’s a pretty cool guy.”

“He kisses up to the both of us because our parents are wealthy,” Eridan snapped, “Feferi was too but she was scared of him.”

Gamzee shrugged. “Hey, you know Equius, man. Ever see him in ol’ Spades’ classes? Sits right behind Aradia but beside Nepeta, stares at the back of Aradia’s head every time Spades stops talking and make sure no one tries to chat it up with Nepeta.” Gamzee laughed at his thoughts - whatever those thoughts may be. “Girl is really sweet though, I can see why he doesn’t want her to get hurt in any way. Like a little sister.”

“Just shut up already, I don’t care,” Eridan hissed, folding his arms and looking away from him. Gamzee only kept that stupid smile on; almost a knowing smile.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I am not okay!” Eridan snapped, wringing his hands and turning to Gamzee. “She’s dead, Gamzee! She’s dead and I don’t have her anymore!”


“Yes, you imbecile! Feferi Peixes is dead!

And Gamzee just kept that smile on his face. Which made Eridan even angrier than before. Eridan pulled his arm back to hit Gamzee but the juggalo quickly moved and grabbed the boy by the shoulders, gripping him tightly. Gamzee’s expression had melted into true concern right now, holding the shaking boy still. “Eridan, calm down, my friend. It was her time. This is why she is gone.”

“It is not her time!” Eridan snapped, “She was too young!”

“It was her time, though,” Gamzee said, his voice doing that stupid thing where it was normal, and then suddenly flat and lifeless. “Why do you think she’s gone? Come one, brother, she wouldn’t’ve died if it wasn’t her time. It was her time to go.”

Eridan clenched his fists again, but released them, as well as exhaling. “Do you really think that now?”

“Hey, death is…” Gamzee faded off, glancing down at both of their shoes. The man shrugged his shoulders and sighed, “It’s… a miracle, right? How this kind of stuff happens to everyone. Right now, a little miracle happened. That miracle was someone dying.”

“You’re morbid.”

“Eh, sometimes. Just going with the mood, Eridan.”

Gamzee released his grip on Eridan’s shoulders, snapping his hands shut in to little fists, and then shrugged again, putting on a little smile. “I’ll leave you be. You didn’t want my company, it’s okay, I wouldn’t want mine either.” He looked into Eridan’s eyes, still holding that nervous smile. “I’ll see you at school, man.”

Gamzee left Eridan and the casket, talking down the two steps to the floor. He followed the long red carpet to the outside, leaving Eridan at the altar. Eridan looked back at Feferi’s body - how peaceful she was lying there - and then looked at the doors.

“Gamzee!” He called out, running after the male.
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