Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C


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Active member
Jan 31, 2011
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British Columbia, Canada


Welcome to my Tamagotchi Blog. This is my first blog, My log will mainly be focused on the Tamagotchi + Color, I may in the future add my other Tamas but for right now it will be my Color. I have not yet recieved it in the mail yet so for now this will be the only post until it arrives, It should be here in around a week.

xoxox ~pixie~

My TMGC+C arrived on February 8th. When I got it I did make a video log but then gave up because I was way to excited to do a Log so I canceled. But now that I got the hang of it I will make a log as soon as he has his First baby. I can update whats going on so far but my log wont start until He has a baby. At the moment He is a young mametchi. I've gotten all the happy signs except the heart shaped cloud one and the one that involves the rainbow watering can. It's winter so I cant get the heart cloud one. I've also won all the prizes except the rainbow watering can hence me not getting that one happy sign. Oh well. I really love this tamagotchi. My new favorite by far, The color makes it that much better. I really recommend it.I love love love the weather, I thought that was really cool. Next on my list is the blue Id, or I guess what ever one comes up cheaper. I only got the pink T+C because it was the cheapest. I wanted the blue one. As soon as my color arrived I found a blue one for $49 with free shipping. :( oh well. He's only 2 years old so he will be a adult tomorrow. (hoping for kuchipatchi) So I guess 3 day until I get a real log going. I will update everyday Some with video some with only text with pictures.



Well Young-Mametchi didn't turn into an adult today . Finally got the rainbow watering can. 2 more happy symbols to go, the heart cloud and the rainbow one. I can only get them on a cloud day but since its february it's still snowing it was raining yesterday. I renovated his room so its the cool one, I kinda like it. The temporary screen protector is starting to peel a little bit but on the plus side the little box i keep him in at night makes him smell like vanilla soap :D . This morning I got a cotten candy tree. I really want a tamagotchi ID.Also just a heads up instead of posting his stats i'll just post pictures of the stats! :D




This is just going to be a quick little update nothing fancy.

My little young mametchi turned into a kuchipatchi this morning! Exactly who I wanted to get :D . Super cute. He rarely poops so I haven't been able to see him poop in his new bathroom. I renovated both his bathrooms. Both to "cool" to match his ugly living room. Each were 2000gp. The first one was a mistake I wanted to reno his shower room only but I clicked his poop room. oh well, Mine as well just get the cool kitchen so it all matches. His stats are all great. I little bit over weight. Well like I said this was only a quick update. Since this is just a quick little update i'll prolly update later tonight. It's only 1:30pm here.



Happy day! I woke up this morning at there was puffy clouds outside :D so I got the last of the happy symbols I need. BOOYAH. Also kutchipatchi Can now have a baby. But i'm going to wait until I save a ton of money for the new baby ( hope its a girl). I can finally go to the gotchi castle so getting money will be super easy. This is a quick update. Once I get enough gotchi points I'll update again and I'll mate him and show you.




Well its time, After making 65520gp I decided it was time to mate my little kutchi <3. After Many lovely suitors a chose Memetchi. Together they had a beautiful baby.....GIRL!. Hope I get ichigotchi. I really don't have much to say it's really all in the many pictures I took! ~pixie~




Well I wanted to take some pictures of my little girl being a toddler But it was pretty late. So when she changed into a toddler she went straight to sleep. I was hoping I could get a few pics and an update before she turned into a teen but my bf was out all day and I use his phone to take pictures. But here she is as a chamametchi. I really wanted Ichigotchi but I guess I took too good care of her :( . Well shes done nothing but eat and poop the last 24 hours, literally. I have maxed out the points so I find the games pointless now. I bought all the royal home renos too. sorry for such a crappy boring update! ~pixie~



Well Ive gotten everything on the TMGC+C and has become boring and so has my log. I`m sorry! Last few days nothing happened with her. She turned into maiditchi yesterday. I might be able to mate her tonight. Hoping for a boy this time but it doesn`t matter.Her tree turned into an ageing box. I took off the screen protector thing this morning, man it sure does make it look all shiny and new! I so totally got my boyfriend addicted to my little pony friendship is magic! LOL anyway here are the stats and some pics. I`ll update again tomorrow! ~pixie~


Ok so I needed to make this quick little update. Im just about to head to sleep its 2am but I took a quick peek at maditchi and noticed something super odd. You will see in the photos as proof I kid you not! but when I put her to bed she was only 3 years old. and when i did my quick peek she was 5 years old. wtc????? lol oh well.



Ok so I mated maiditchi, sorry I didn't get any pics but I did get a bunch of pic of the new baby. Hes a cutie! glad its a boy, just what I wanted. The weather is oddly nice for being feb, so I got all the happy things super easy. I did cheat on the shooting star one but all the other ones I got without cheating. So here is a bunch of pics. I got kuribotchi as a toddler because its an odd generation, I dunno about you guys but he looks like a little tird to me. ~pixie~



Well I think this is the end of this log. It doesnt seem to be going anywhere and no one comments and I get no feed back. I'm not even sure if anyone is reading this :( . Oh well. thanks anyway.



