eraser burns..


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Yes, I do have a few. I have an electric eraser like this one:


It is like a dentist's drill, and if you put it on your arm/hand etc. it will feel like it is burning.

I've done it to the under side of my wrist before, when I was about 12 because I thought I was a bamf. But I don't remember why I exactly thought they were cool. Attention, maybe? Idk.

An eraser burn is very similar to carpet burn. Only it is caused by rubbing an eraser back-and-forth along the skin rapidly. It feels just like carpet burn in most cases and can damge the skin and leave scars. It is usually self-inflicted.

Some kids have played the "ABC game". It's a game where the other "opponent" rubs the eraser quickly back and forth across your hand applying pressure saying their ABC's slowly until you call mercy. When I was in 4th grade or so we played this game. I thought is was just a silly game. Recently, I have come to find out kids do this to themselves merely to inflict pain or harm. But, lemme tell you to be lil hard a**es we would see who was brave enough to put germX on our burns >.<

I would not reccomend doing eraser burns. I have annd it HURTS!

mew0099 coukld you tell me where you got your eraser "drill"??

okay, eraser burn is basically what @katie_bug said. if you do it for so long it scars. it doesnt hurt while you do it but it hurts horribly afterward.

@try honestly : i dont know why i did. at my school its called a sissy test. if you back down you get called a sissy or if you scream in pain your a sissy. i didnt know it was gonna scar either. everyone makes mistakes. no ones perfect. k, thanks.

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