Any musicians on TamaTalk?


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Well-known member
May 8, 2011
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Heh,I can't believe no one has used this wordplay before,but any musicans on TamaTalk? I am one myself. I play the piano and have reached Grade 2 (fancy music exam grade). I'd like to see what the rest of you guys play too!

-nekopan :hitodetchi:

I'm not really a musician, but I play some instruments:



Guitar (a little bit)

Piano (a little bit)

Piano, Violin, Guitar.

Piano for fun. Violin classes in Grade 4 (I could pick up a violin and play right now, but it wouldn't be very good). Currently guitar.

4th - 5th grade I was required to play the Recorder. Of the songs I knew... I can still play, but the ones I never learned... I won't ever unless I can see someone else play it. I had a HORRIBLE time reading the sheet music. I had to watch someone else play it over and over. Otherwise, I had to learn by listening to people playing the same song. I was lucky people figured out why I never sounded 100% on it... They passed me instead of grading me.

I can play on this piano toy I have from Ojamajo... Magical Doremi. (Dream spinner) I can play, Somewhere over the Rainbow from Wizard of Oz on it. I learned how to play that myself by sound. The only one I can play nicely on it.

I have this Piano toy with a Pink Elephant on it. I've had it since I was a kid. I can play some basic songs on it. Once again, Only when I see someone play it can I get a bit better at playing it.

I SO wish I could read sheet music... I've tried to look up how to online but it does near no-good. I get so confused which doesn't help. Its a lost cause now to try to teach me... I highly doubt people would teach me on my Dreamspinner... Ironically I understand that sheet music....... ur... sheet card.

If you can't already tell by my profile background, me. XD I've been playing the violin for 10+ years and counting. Before I learned how to play the violin, I played the piano and flute. I would love to pick up the piano again someday. I use my voice to make music too. :)

Not really a musican, but I like to play classical or electrical guitar from time to time, I have both. :)

I think am not really good at it, just because I am too poor to take any lessons or something. If I had money, I'd sure take some lessons!


Also played piano for a while when I was younger, but sadly gave up because I didn't have any piano/keyboard to practice with in my house. And as (probably) everyone did, I played recorder too. It was fun.


And aww, SailorRosette - it's not that hard! It's just, you have to learn where the every single note is, then you won't have any problems in reading sheet music.

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I need color dots on my recorder and the sheet music... Lol. Thats how I can play with my DreamSpinner.... I get the letters confused with the holes. I know its not that hard since I can do it on my toy...

I used to know a few of the notes on the sheet but once more then a few notes were added I got screwed up with reading them. Once people got the notes, my teacher wouldn't put up the projector and say the letters/play her recorder... My class just read the sheet music themselfs. Then she would test us on the music... Boy did I hate the concerts. I would have the recorder and pretend to play.

mhm. i've played oboe for 6 years, and saxophone for 3 years. i used to play piano, but i'm really bad at it now, however i may try to get back into it over the summer. I also plan to teach myself violin over the summer because my dad's old violin is still around and no one's using it.

I play the Guitar,Piano,Drums,xylaphone ( dunno how to spell it ) and flute

though im not any good at the flute i have do do guitar and flute for school

I used to play piano. I absolutley hated it. After I moved, I dropped out of lessons. I picked up the flute and I absolutley adored it, mostly because I'm really good at it. This year will be my third year with it. I tried piccolo with utmost sucess. My friends call me a prodigy. I say, "I know." XD

I`ve been playing violin since 2006 and I`m still playing the same songs :lol: .

I love violin, but I can`t read notes very well or know EXACTLY where your fingers are supposed to go. But I am pretty good :3 I`d be better if I wasn`t so lazy

But lessons on Thursday feel like torture. It is for fun because, apparently I am not graded.

I play the ukelele and the recorder. I've played the Ukelele ever since year 3 at my old school. That was forced through music lessons. I've played recorder ever since I was 4 years old (!). I'm fluent on the recorder and near fluent on the Ukelele. Some chords I struggle with still. :p

I've been playing the flute since I was in fourth grade so it's been a while haha. I just had a flute recital a few weeks ago and my lips were all chapped and I sounded just completely horrible. :( Now I don't wanna pick up the flute again lol.

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